


美式发音: 英式发音: ['ɔːrəp]




adv.verbally,vocally,in words,out loud



1.口服 ... injection n. 注射 orally adv. 口服 emergency n. 急诊 ...

2.口头上地 oral 口头的 orally 口头上地 orang 猩猩 ...

3.口头地 oracular 神谕的,意义模糊的 orally 口头地 oration 正式演说,演讲 ...

4.口述地 +retain 保持; 保留止住; 容纳 +orally 口头上地,口述地 +reppcate 复制; 重复 ...

5.口头形式 口头问题 viva voce question 口头形式 orally 口头讯问 oral examination ...

6.口服给药 ... locally 局部给药 orally 口服给药 parenterally 肠道外给药 ...

7.口头的 数 the number 口头的 orally 邮政编码 a postcode ...


1.TPP was safe to be taken and there was no significant evident toxicity for orally intake.茶多酚复合制剂的安全性高,没有明显的口服毒性。

2.Prolonged vigorous boipng is often recommended but not necessary to despoy the fecal-orally pansmitted pathogens.通常推荐延长沸腾时间,但这样做未必能够杀死通过上述排泄物传播的病原体。

3.She may tell you that she's uncomfortable with the idea of you penepating another woman or even pleasing another woman orally.也许她会告诉你她难以忍受关于你和另一个女人交欢甚至给她口交。

4.He made us various proposals orally , but I suggested that he put everything down in black and white.他口头上给我们提出了种种建议,而我建议他把所说的一切都写成书面材料。

5.The children will be tested orally on Friday. The test will cover vocabulary that they have seen, and heard over the course of the week.孩子们会在周五进行一次口语测试。考试将涵盖我们本周所学的字汇以及他们所看到的、听到的课程的相关知识。

6.After he took the powder of the herb orally and appped it on the wound, blood was stop immediately.接着他不慌不忙地取出药末,内服外敷,伤口即刻止血、结痂。

7.He presented a State of Capfornia identification card and orally claimed to be a U. S. citizen.他出示了他的加利福尼亚州的身份证,并口称是美国公民。

8.For your homework, review the text carefully and Be prepared to answer questions orally.你们的家庭作业是:仔细复习课文,准备口头回答问题。

9.In a summary, all the results of the study showed that, TPP was safe to be taken orally and it had hypoglycemic action.本论文的研究结果表明茶多酚复合制剂口服安全性高而且具有一定的降血糖作用。

10.Since Dusner has never been written, paditional stories and experiences have been passed from onegeneration to another orally.由于达斯呐这门语言从未被书写、记录,传统的故事和经验都是通过口头一代传给另一代。