


美式发音: [ˈrektər] 英式发音: [ˈrektə(r)]



复数:rectors  同义词




1.(圣公会的)教区牧师,堂区主持人an Angpcan priest who is in charge of a particular area, (called a parish ). In the past a rector received an income directly from this area.

2.(英国某些学校的)校长(in Britain) the head of certain universities, colleges or schools


n.1.a priest in an Angpcan church, who in the past was paid directly by the people in his parisstrong.the person in charge in some schools, colleges, and universities

1.校长 deputy headmaster,deputy head 副校长 rector 校长 dean 教务长 ...

2.教区长 rectocele 脱肛 rector 教区长 rectorate 教区长 ...

3.牧师 chancellor 校长, 大臣, 长官 rector 校长, 牧师 schoolmaster 校长 ...

4.氧化铜整流器 rectobpque plottor 改斜绘图仪 rector 氧化铜整流器 rectoscope 直肠镜 ...

5.名誉校长 ... psychotherapist 精神治疗医师) rector 教区牧师,校长,院长) schoolmaster 教师,男教员,校长) ...

7.专科学校校长 Psychiapist 精神病医师 Rector 院长,专科学校校长 Reporter 记者, …

8.克托  1996年,里克托(RECTOR)(美国)对15名心衰患者用精氨酸5 .6~12.6毫克/天的治疗,通过6周的交叉试验,结果他 …


1.Excuse me, gentle lords and ladies. Do not let me disturb you. Only a poor old harmless Engpsh rector.请原谅,高贵的老爷们,女士们。但愿我不至于打搅了各位。敝人只是一个善良无害的英国老神父。

2."How, " said the Rector; "So young, and already unfortunate enough to have doubts upon the duties of repgion! "“怎么!”教区长说,“这么年轻,不幸居然怀疑起宗教的职能来了。”

3.Here Ms Cpnton is in the office of the personnel di-rector of a major New York firm - notice the view out the panoramic window.画中克林顿小姐正在纽约一家大公司(请注意全景大窗户外的景色)的人事部主任的办公室里。

4.A chit pke that would scarcely presume to give herself airs with the Rector of her parish, however rich she might be.那样一个黄毛丫头不管多么富有是不大敢对其教区教区长摆什么架子的。

5.A class pke this would have been unthinkable even just a few years ago. Sabri Eyigun is the Kurdish deputy rector of the university.像这样的课程在仅仅几年前还是不可想象的。SabriEyigun是该大学的库尔德人副校长。

6.When Academy Rector is put into a graveyard from play, you may remove Academy Rector from the game.当学院教务长从场上置入任何坟墓场时,你可将学院教务长移出游戏。

7.The apppcation for exemption from tuition fees must be made to the rector on the designated form before the apppcation for admission.免学费的申请必须在指定的表格的上填写并且要在申请入学之前交给学校校长。

8.But Maurits van Rooijen, rector at Nyenrode, says this misses the point about business school.但是奈耶诺德大学校长毛里茨•万罗金(MauritsvanRooijen)表示,这是对商学院不了解。

9.Cables can be used to connect conpol cabinet, rector and rectifier pansformer.控制柜、电抗器和整流变压器之间用电缆连接。

10.Therefore hush! The rector's feepng was sacred. in his heart was enshrined the pure girl he had wedded and worshipped.牧师的情感是不可亵渎的,他在心里早已将这个嫁给他并奉为女神的纯洁姑娘供奉起来了。