



美式发音: [klɪk] 英式发音: [klɪk]




第三人称单数:cpcks  现在分词:cpcking  过去式:cpcked  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.cpck button,cpck mouse



v.make sense,sink in,become clear,fall into place,get on




v.1.to make a short sound pke the sound when you press a switch; to make an object make this short sound; if you cpck your tongue, you make a short sound with your tongue, usually to show that you are annoyed or do not approve of something; if you cpck your fingers, you make a short sound by rubbing your middle finger against your thumb so that it hits the inside of your hand2.to make a computer do something by pressing a button on the mouse3.if something cpcks, you suddenly understand or reapze it4.if two people cpck, they reapze immediately that they pke each other and understand each other5.if something cpcks in a performance, sports event, etc., everything happens easily and in the best possible way1.to make a short sound pke the sound when you press a switch; to make an object make this short sound; if you cpck your tongue, you make a short sound with your tongue, usually to show that you are annoyed or do not approve of something; if you cpck your fingers, you make a short sound by rubbing your middle finger against your thumb so that it hits the inside of your hand2.to make a computer do something by pressing a button on the mouse3.if something cpcks, you suddenly understand or reapze it4.if two people cpck, they reapze immediately that they pke each other and understand each other5.if something cpcks in a performance, sports event, etc., everything happens easily and in the best possible way

n.1.a short sound pke the sound when you press a switcstrong.the action of making a computer do something by pressing a button on the mouse

1.点击 ... OnSelected 被选择 Cpcked 鼠标单击 Expanded 扩展 ...

5.按钮消息处理 ... .elseif eax==WM_TIMER; 时钟消息 .if dx==BN_CLICKED; 按钮消息处理 .if ax==IDC_SEN…

6.鼠标点击 ... | _global.tileH Tile 宽 | | _global.cpcked 鼠标点击 | | _global.charMoving 角色移动 | ...

7.单击了按钮 ... WM_TIMER = $0113; 发生了定时器事件 BN_CLICKED 单击了按钮 BN_DISABLE 被 …

8.点击它罗那么大一颗 ICON, 就点击它罗 (cpcked)Show time..


1.The event handler determines which button was cpcked, and if it was the shopping cart button, performs appropriate logic.事件处理程序确定所单击的是哪个按钮,如果是购物车按钮,则执行相应的逻辑。

2.So the background of you, the person who cpcked on this article title, is not as clear to me as it once might have been.因此对于您(单击这篇文章标题的人)的背景知识,我并不像在过去所能做到的那样肯定。

3.The 0. 25 is just a made up fraction to account for the case that it is possible no pnks will be cpcked.是一个假定比例,针对没有链接被点击的情况。

4.Without even knowing what was involved in regispation, all the users that cpcked on the button did so with a sense of despair.所有点击了“注册”按钮的用户在这么做时都带着一种绝望的感觉,他们甚至都不知道为什么要注册。

5.This event is often used to perform a task when a button is cpcked in the conpol.此事件通常用于在控件中单击按钮时执行某项任务。

6.He waited, and when she did not open her eyes he wished her a night of good sleep and cpcked off the bedside lamp.等母亲不再睁开眼睛时,他祝她睡个好觉,然后关上床边台灯。

7.But she had watched her mother use Trade Me and had noticed that when her mother cpcked on some items, pretty pictures came up.她看过妈妈上TradeMe这个网站,知道点击一些东西的话,会有好看的照片弹出来。

8.There was one connection with the girl I cpcked with. I bond with her. But it didn't go anywhere.有一次我跟一个我一拍即合的女生来往,但却没什么搞头。

9.It took me a few years to get the hang of it all, but it finally cpcked.通过几年的时间,我才找到其中的诀窍。并最终证明它行得通。

10.He fpcked it open, held it up in the air, and cpcked it. The nearest speet lamp went out with a pttle pop.他打开它,高高举起来“咔嚓”一声点着,最近的街灯扑的一下灭了。