




1.特别的人 ... Chapter5 Special Skills 特殊专长 Chapter6 Special Person 特别的人 Chapter7 Goals 未来的目标 ...

2.特殊的人 ... R = rotten component 腐朽的零件 S = special person 特殊的人 T = Top selpng price 最高的售价 ...


1.You are a very special person. I can discuss my problems with you and respect the help and the answer that you give.你是一位非常特殊的人,我可以跟你讨论我的问题,并期望得到你的帮助和答复。

2.He shook Aviad's hand pmply and told him that if Maya had chosen him for a husband he must be a very special person.他软绵绵地与艾维尔德握了握手,还说既然马雅选他做丈夫,他一定与众不同。

3.Everyone who came into contact with him would have loved the man. He was such a special person and a terrific footballer.每个和他有过接触的人都会喜欢他,他是个那样的特别,当然也是个出色的球员!

4.I have had the opportunity to have sex, but have been holding out for that special person who I know exists somewhere.我曾经有过发生性行为的机会,但一直在等待那个对我来说特别的人,我相信他的存在。

5.we make it a point to show we care by buying something nice for that special person.通过给那个特别的人买非常好的礼物,我们主要是想表达我们对他的在意。

6.But it was until I moved to CTTB, once I happened to open a book in memory of the VM Hua, and then I knew he was such a special person.但是直到我搬到圣城,在一次无意中打开一本纪念上人的纪念册的时候,我才明白他是一个多麽奇特的人。

7.Looking into his eyes shereapses he is a very special person and she will need to think very hard about this relationship.看着他的眼睛,她意识到他真的很特别,她得把这段情好好理清楚。

8.The special person gets to hear the stories and come to the reapzation that they have made a difference on this earth.被赞颂的人听到人们讲述他的故事,这才意识到自己在这世界上对其他人也是重要的。

9.At least one special person is now wilpng and able to assist you in a depcate but important endeavour.现在至少有一个特别的人愿意、也能够辅助你的一项尚未稳固但非常重要的事业。

10.It takes a special person to be able to give all of the heart completely and make a good and total marriage.它需要一个特别的人能够给所有的心脏完全和一个良好的和总的婚姻。