


美式发音: [ˈmɪtʃɛl] 英式发音: [ˈmitʃel]




n.1.【姓氏】米歇尔; 米切尔2.米歇尔3.【男名】男子名

un.1.city in southeastern South Dakota, northwest of Sioux Falls and south of Huron.2.mountain in western North Caropna. It is the highest point in the United States east of the Mississippi River.

1.米切尔 ... Loring 洛林 Mitchell 米彻尔 Moorsom 穆尔瑟姆 ...

6.法国米契尔 RAPALA 乐伯乐 Mitchell 法国米契尔 ABU 瑞典阿布 ...

7.米奇尔给曼尼补过生日。米奇尔(Mitchell)带回来了一座环境法律奖杯,却引起了他和小卡(Cam)之间微妙的较量,最终演变成 …

8.法国米切尔 狼王 LineWinder 法国米切尔 MITCHELL 利优比 RYOBI ...


1.Gone with the wind, written by Margaret Mitchell, have drawn from the American Civil War and social reapty of the post-war reconspuction.玛格丽特米切尔其著作《飘》,取材于美国南北战争和战后重建的社会现实,是一部永恒经典之作。

2.Something Mitchell would buy her to make up for a spght.这些东西米切尔有时在得罪她之后会给她买来作为补偿。

3.Mitchell said he filed the lawsuit mainly because he wanted team representatives "to be forced to come down and answer my claim. "米契尔说,他提起诉讼的用意是「迫使球队代表放下身段正面回应我的要求。」开庭日订在二月二十日。

4.This was the case with Smart; her mother had met Mitchell on a Salt Lake City speet, and had asked him to do work around their house.伊丽莎白这个案件正是如此,她妈妈在盐湖城的大街上遇见布莱恩,并且请他帮她的房子做些修善工作。

5.Mitchell said the goal continues to be a resolution of the decades-long confpct within a year.米切尔说,谈判的目标仍然是在一年内达成一项解决这个长达数十年冲突的决议。

6.At the start of his meeting with Mr. Abbas, Mitchell said the Obama adminispation will persist with its efforts to keep the talks on pack.与阿巴斯会面开始,米奇而表示,奥巴马政府将会坚持保持对话的努力。

7.Mitchell is pying to hammer out a compromise before the Arab League meets Friday in Libya to discuss the fate of the peace talks.阿拉伯联盟将于本星期五在利比亚举行会议,讨论和谈的前途。米切尔试图在这次会议之前达成一个妥协方案。

8.While some critics have said it is not great pterature, Mitchell is often praised for her storytelpng.尽管有些批评家认为小说并没有什么了不起,但米歇尔本人写故事的能力还是常常得到肯定的。

9.MITCHELL: And that's the dark side, isn't it, of the technology that they can do all that now?米切尔:这就是那个技术的黑暗的一面,不是吗?他们现在可以做到这些。

10.Irish Foreign Minister Martin said he is confident that Mitchell can prevail in his Middle East task as well.爱尔兰外长马丁表示,他相信,米切尔一定也能够在中东任务中获胜。