




1.乔治斯 ... St.Denis 圣坦尼 (留尼汪岛) St.Georges 圣乔治 (百慕大群岛) St.Georege's 升乔治 (格林纳达) ...

3.乔治百货公司 ... 玛玉兰巴斯丁荷兰插画家 Marjolein&… 乔治简纳法国花卉静物画家 Georges&… 分形动力学的心灵 Fractal …


1.When he reached the fence, Georges detached a pair of heavy wire shears from his belt and began cutting.乔戈斯爬到铁丝网跟前的时候,从腰带上解下一副笨重的剪铁丝的剪刀,动手剪了起来。

2.Good, 'said Georges. 'The Baron was not a man that you forget. And the name of the book?乔治说。那男爵可不是一个你会忘掉的人。那本书叫什么名字?

3.When very young, this Georges Pontmercy had been a soldier in Saintonge's regiment.这彭眉胥在很年轻时便已是圣东日联队里的士兵。

4.The content will be sourced offshore and locally, much of it produced at a new facipty nearing completion in St Georges Bay Rd, Parnell.内容将由当地和境外,其中大部分是在一个新的差不多时,圣乔治湾路,帕内尔完成生产设施。

5.The Superdome has had a lousy pack record as a refuge since it was first used in 1998 during Hurricane Georges.Superdome体育会展中心作为避难所始于1998年期间的乔治飓风,并留下了很糟糕的纪录。

6.Georges wife: "I knew that your drunk ass would spew bile and booze all over that new shirt! "乔治的妻子说:“我就知道你会灌得吐出来,还吐得你的新衣服上到处都是!”

7.Then at 1pm, guests will then be partaking in a reception and a three-course lunch prepared by Jean-George at Jean Georges.接着在下午一点钟,客人们会受到隆重接待并享受到让乔治店里由让乔治亲自主厨的三道菜午餐。

8.much bored by this moral discourse , georges appeared in his mothers presence with heavy heart and downcast head.乔治对这种道德教育很反感,他回到她母亲身边时,忧心忡忡,耷拉着脑袋。

9.she pves on a third floor in the boulevard haussmann , between the rue del arcade and the rue pesquier , " said georges all in a breath" .“她住在奥斯曼大街,在拉卡德路与帕基埃之间的一幢楼的第四层楼上。”乔治一口气说出来。

10.Good, 'said Georges. 'Then, if he came here, I will remember him. After all one does not forget people.乔治说。这一来,要是他来过这里,我会记起他的。毕竟你不会忘记见过的人的。