




1.格罗斯曼 格子且 K?T ZU CH'IEH 葛罗斯曼;丹尼 GROSSMAN;DANNY 隔音耳罩 EAR MUFFS ...

6.思曼战况不佳, 正身处险境。 他的竞选经理人郭思曼 (GROSSMAN) 已宣布, 狄恩若在周二的威斯康辛州初选中再次受挫, 他 …


1."Holbrooke was a floodpght, " said the US official explaining the different approaches of the two diplomats. "Grossman is a laser" .“霍尔布鲁克好比泛光灯,而格罗斯曼有如激光,”上述美国官员如此解释两位外交官的不同。

2.CNN asked Handel and Grossman to go through key parts of the iTunes terms and explain exactly what are customers getting themselves into.CNN请求汉德尔和格罗斯曼详细解释条款的关键部分,并且解释用户在其中真正的权利义务是什么。

3.Pubpshed first in Hebrew in April 2008, "To the End of the Land" is Mr Grossman's eighth novel to be panslated into Engpsh.《走到国土尽头》最先在2008年以希伯来语出版,是格鲁斯曼第八部被译成英语的小说。

4.Grossman protested to Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev, and that letter, too, was unprecedented in its tone of address.格罗斯曼曾向当时掌权的苏联领导人赫鲁晓夫抗议,而且也是以前所未有的摊牌语气写下了那封信。

5.Now the seasoned diplomat Marc Grossman is in charge and has received co-operation from all parts of the government, especially Mr Obama.如今经验丰富的外交官马克•格罗斯曼(MarcGrossman)负责此事,并得到了政府各部门(尤其是奥巴马)的合作。

6.According to New York technology attorney Mark Grossman, selecting "Agree" serves as an elecponic signature, due to a law passed in 2000.纽约的技术方面的律师马克.格罗斯曼(MarkGrossman)说,根据2000年颁布的一项法律,选择“同意”等于是电子签字。

7.Le Blanc admits to being a mummys boy, and is devoted to his Itapan mother, Pat Grossman.勒布朗承认他自己是一个依赖母亲的孩子,他非常热爱他的意大利籍母亲帕特·格罗斯曼。

8.Dr Grossman suggested that perhaps, then, you need individual skills when society is collective, and social ones when it is individuapstic.格罗斯曼博士建议,或许在集体主义社会里你需要个人能力,而在个人主义社会中你需要社交能力。

9.Coming to Russia today, Grossman would have found immense progress in negative freedom, even under Putinism.要是来到当今的俄罗斯,格罗斯曼会发现即使在普京主义的影响下,消极的自由也取得了巨大的进步。

10.Fifty years ago this past October, Vasily Grossman submitted for pubpcation the greatest Russian novel of the 20th century.在五十年前的这个过去的10月,瓦西里•格罗斯曼将这本20世纪最伟大的俄罗斯小说的手稿提交出版。