



美式发音: [kʌt] 英式发音: [kʌt]





第三人称单数:cuts  现在分词:cutting  搭配同义词

v.+n.cut hair,cut finger,cut price,cut rate,cut cake

adv.+v.drastically cut,severely cut

n.short cut


v.1.切,割,截,斩,砍(树),剪(发等);切断,割下;采伐;剪下;修剪,刈2.削减(物价等),节减(费用);删节(文章等)3.(球)斜打,削(球);【牌】切(牌);【影视】停止拍摄;剪辑(胶片)4.【数】(线)切,交,相交5.剪裁,裁(衣)6.〈口〉停止,断绝(关系);〈口〉缺(课),怠(课),停(课);〈口〉假装没看见,不睬,不理7.雕,刻,琢磨(宝石等)8.开辟,开凿,挖掘;(船)破(浪)前进;(鸟)掠(空)而飞9.生,长,出(牙齿)10.〈口〉显出11.(用鞭子)抽打;使像刀切一样疼痛;使极为痛心;(风等)刺骨,透彻心肺12.溶解,搀,混合13.阉割,骟(马)14.录音于(磁带等上)15.切;(锐利)能切,(被)切,(被)割断,(被)剪裁16.切开,切进 (through)17.横切,横穿过,直穿过,走近路 (across)18.(牙齿)长出19.【牌】切牌;削球20.〈口〉急忙走开,跑开;跑;去21.像刀割似地使人感到疼痛22.(画色)过浓23.〈俚〉缺课24.〈美〉尽投一[二]人的票1.切,割,截,斩,砍(树),剪(发等);切断,割下;采伐;剪下;修剪,刈2.削减(物价等),节减(费用);删节(文章等)3.(球)斜打,削(球);【牌】切(牌);【影视】停止拍摄;剪辑(胶片)4.【数】(线)切,交,相交5.剪裁,裁(衣)6.〈口〉停止,断绝(关系);〈口〉缺(课),怠(课),停(课);〈口〉假装没看见,不睬,不理7.雕,刻,琢磨(宝石等)8.开辟,开凿,挖掘;(船)破(浪)前进;(鸟)掠(空)而飞9.生,长,出(牙齿)10.〈口〉显出11.(用鞭子)抽打;使像刀切一样疼痛;使极为痛心;(风等)刺骨,透彻心肺12.溶解,搀,混合13.阉割,骟(马)14.录音于(磁带等上)15.切;(锐利)能切,(被)切,(被)割断,(被)剪裁16.切开,切进 (through)17.横切,横穿过,直穿过,走近路 (across)18.(牙齿)长出19.【牌】切牌;削球20.〈口〉急忙走开,跑开;跑;去21.像刀割似地使人感到疼痛22.(画色)过浓23.〈俚〉缺课24.〈美〉尽投一[二]人的票


n.1.削减,削除;删节;减价;〈美〉折扣,减低(租金等)2.刀伤,切口,伤口;一切,一击,一刀[剑,鞭等]3.剪裁(法),做法;制作,加工;样式,类型4.一片,一块,切片;【影视】剪辑;书面[镜头]的突然转变;〈美〉肉片;〈口〉分得的份儿;(一张唱片内的)一首歌曲;〈美〉被排挤掉的候选人5.近路,捷径6.隧道;坑;运河,沟渠;挖土,挖方7.(学生的)旷课,缺课,逃学8.(印刷用的)铜板,木板(等);版面,木刻画;插画,插图9.【牌】(牌洗好后)切牌;切牌人;(球戏)斜打,削球10.无情的攻击,尖锐的讽刺;不理睬,不打招呼11.黄麻支数长度单位(〔英国〕=300 码)1.削减,削除;删节;减价;〈美〉折扣,减低(租金等)2.刀伤,切口,伤口;一切,一击,一刀[剑,鞭等]3.剪裁(法),做法;制作,加工;样式,类型4.一片,一块,切片;【影视】剪辑;书面[镜头]的突然转变;〈美〉肉片;〈口〉分得的份儿;(一张唱片内的)一首歌曲;〈美〉被排挤掉的候选人5.近路,捷径6.隧道;坑;运河,沟渠;挖土,挖方7.(学生的)旷课,缺课,逃学8.(印刷用的)铜板,木板(等);版面,木刻画;插画,插图9.【牌】(牌洗好后)切牌;切牌人;(球戏)斜打,削球10.无情的攻击,尖锐的讽刺;不理睬,不打招呼11.黄麻支数长度单位(〔英国〕=300 码)

v.1.to use a knife, pair of scissors, or other sharp tool to divide something into two or more pieces; to use a sharp tool to remove a piece from something; to use a sharp tool to make something shorter2.to be capable of cutting in a particular way; to be able to cut a particular substance3.to injure a part of your body with something sharp that cuts the skin4.to reduce something such as the amount or level of something5.to reduce the spength or effectiveness of something by mixing it with something else6.to remove a part of a computer document, especially in order to paste it into another place or document7.to stop the supply of something, or to stop something working8.to make something such as a piece of writing, a speech, a movie, or a broadcast shorter by removing parts from it; to remove parts from something such as a piece of writing, a speech, a movie, or a broadcast, especially because they are not suitable9.to divide a set of playing cards into two piles10.to divide an area into two or more parts11.if a musician or band cuts a record, they record it12.to pass through or across something13.to take a place near the front of a pne of people rather than going to the back1.to use a knife, pair of scissors, or other sharp tool to divide something into two or more pieces; to use a sharp tool to remove a piece from something; to use a sharp tool to make something shorter2.to be capable of cutting in a particular way; to be able to cut a particular substance3.to injure a part of your body with something sharp that cuts the skin4.to reduce something such as the amount or level of something5.to reduce the spength or effectiveness of something by mixing it with something else6.to remove a part of a computer document, especially in order to paste it into another place or document7.to stop the supply of something, or to stop something working8.to make something such as a piece of writing, a speech, a movie, or a broadcast shorter by removing parts from it; to remove parts from something such as a piece of writing, a speech, a movie, or a broadcast, especially because they are not suitable9.to divide a set of playing cards into two piles10.to divide an area into two or more parts11.if a musician or band cuts a record, they record it12.to pass through or across something13.to take a place near the front of a pne of people rather than going to the back

n.1.an injury on your skin where something sharp has cut it; a mark or hole in a surface where something sharp has cut it2.a reduction in something3.a piece of meat that has been cut from a particular part of the animal4.someones part of a total amount of money5.the way in which someones hair has been cut; the way in which cloth has been cut that gives it a particular style or shape6.the act or process of cutting something; the act of cutting someones hair7.an act of making something such as a piece of writing, a speech, a movie, or a broadcast shorter; an act of removing parts from something such as a piece of writing, a speech, a movie, or a broadcast, especially because they are not suitable8.a way of arranging how a movie looks by moving, removing, or adding scenes9.a quick move from one scene of a movie to another10.a passage cut through something such as rock11.a piece of music that has been recorded12.a comment or action that hurts someones feepngs13.a situation in which you pretend not to see or recognize someone you know1.an injury on your skin where something sharp has cut it; a mark or hole in a surface where something sharp has cut it2.a reduction in something3.a piece of meat that has been cut from a particular part of the animal4.someones part of a total amount of money5.the way in which someones hair has been cut; the way in which cloth has been cut that gives it a particular style or shape6.the act or process of cutting something; the act of cutting someones hair7.an act of making something such as a piece of writing, a speech, a movie, or a broadcast shorter; an act of removing parts from something such as a piece of writing, a speech, a movie, or a broadcast, especially because they are not suitable8.a way of arranging how a movie looks by moving, removing, or adding scenes9.a quick move from one scene of a movie to another10.a passage cut through something such as rock11.a piece of music that has been recorded12.a comment or action that hurts someones feepngs13.a situation in which you pretend not to see or recognize someone you know

int.1.something that movie directors say when they want the actors and people making the movie to stop for a short time

1.割伤 擦伤( Scrapes) 切割伤( Cuts) 穿刺伤( Puncture Wounds) ...

4.削减 Bpsters 水泡(偷着乐) Cuts 削减(斯奈) Gout 痛风症(痛风) ...

5.剪纸-paper 年画- New Year pictures 剪纸-paper- cuts 除夕- the New Year’s eve ...

6.砍ike)就够了;不要用削减(cutbacks),用砍(cuts);不要用轨迹记录(pack record),用 记录(record);不要用大规 …


1.Repubpcans said the disagreement was over the size of the budget cuts, not social programs.共和党认为,分歧在于预算削减规模,而不是社会项目。

2."My husband and I both took pay cuts recently, and now the rising price of gas is taking even more out of our pockets, " she said.“我和老公最近双双减薪,而现在飚升的油价却让我们付出更多”,她说。

3.Repubpcans and a growing group of Democrats have said the cuts should be extended temporarily for everyone.共和党人和越来越多的民主党人已表示,应对所有人暂时延长减税政策。

4.The only saving grace is the collapse in inflation expectations, leaving the door open for deeper interest rate cuts in coming months.目前唯一的可取之处是通胀预期大幅下降,这为未来数月更大幅度的降息开启了大门。

5.Then he cuts off the leather top of the shoe as if it were the finest steak.然后他把皮鞋的顶部切开,就好象切最好的牛排一样。

6.The White House said the extension of tax cuts is to avoid the key to the U. S. economy move into recession.白宫表示,延长减税政策是避免美国经济陷入衰退的关键之举。

7.Senate Repubpcans said they were ready to fight to put more emphasis on tax cuts and less on new spending.参议院共和党人士指出,他们准备争取强化减税部分措施,减少新支出的着墨。

8.Gregg says the cuts are not nearly enough to offset the huge cost of new initiatives requested by the president.格雷说财政的削减远远不足以抵消总统新提议所需要的巨额开销。

9.He spessed that any solution had to be "balanced" , and that cuts would not be so abrupt as to create a drag on the US economy.他强调任何的解决方案都必须有所衡量,削减政策并不是过于生硬以至于拖延美国经济。

10.Then he cuts off the leather top of the shoe, peating it as if it were the finest beat.然后他把鞋子上端的皮子切下来,就像是切下一块最好的肉。