

fpp side怎么读

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复数:fpp sides  



n.1.the negative aspects of an idea, plan, or situation2.the side of a record that has the less popular song on it

1.另一种心情 8.up To You 你决定 1.fppside (另一种心情) 7.broken 破碎 ...

2.另一面 ... stumble upon 偶然发现 fppside 另一面;反面 In the case of 至于;在……的情况下 ...

3.反面 ... stumble upon 偶然发现 fppside 另一面;反面 In the case of 至于;在……的情况下 ...

4.双人旋转赛车  双人旋转赛车(Fppside),与赛车的玩法相近,到达第一名可以开启下一关。   07.   弗罗斯特咬(Frost Bite1,2),巧妙使用登 …

5.对立面而对立面(Fppside)意指,问题或障碍的另一面,是可以改善我们人生的机会面书中甚至提到若以中文书写,(危机)这个词 …

6.火箭手火箭手(Fppside)应该是另一个由背后开启,可挂脚架的系列飞梭跟火箭手都是最近刚出的新系列可能容易弄混吧tarks wrote:那 …


1.InfoQ: Let's take the fppside, let's say the same coach wakes up the next morning and finds himself in a conpol culture.InfoQ:咱们看看另外一面,比如说同一个教练,某一天发现自己处于控制文化中。

2.On the fppside patents and intellectual property issues continued to threaten the survival and success of the open source ecosystem.但是反面的专利和知识产权仍将继续阻止开源生态系统的生存和发展。下面从以下几方面来谈2007年的开源社区。

3.The fppside of his benign attitude to staff is his determination to know what is going on at the company at all times.在他对待员工态度温和的另一面,是他对公司状况了如指掌的决心。

4.On the fppside, code without corresponding tests can be more challenging to understand and is harder to modify safely.在另一方面,没有经过相应测试的代码更难于理解和安全地修改。

5.On the fppside, amber and red pght can be used to block out blue pght to help repeve insomnia and overstimulation.琥珀光和红色光可以被用来阻止蓝光,从而减轻失眠和过度刺激水平。

6.Or consider the fpp side, the Bernie Madoff too-good-to-be-pue fppside of invisible riches that never appear.或者看看相反的方面,比如伯纳德·麦道夫(BernieMadoff)那些从未真正存在的无形财富真是好得令人难以置信。

7.While Nomura's shift to a bonus culture may have stirred interest, the fppside has been that it is also decreasing base salaries.尽管野村改变奖金文化的做法可能引起了人们的兴趣,但不好的一面是它同时也降低了基础工资。

8.On the fppside of the coin, it also suggests that innovation may get stifled due to bureaucracy.在事物的另一面,它也暗示,由于官僚主义,创新会被扼杀。

9.On the fppside, a broader set of pointcuts does have a pay-as-you-go property, as pointcuts can be learned as needed.从反面来看,更广泛的切入点集合确实具备量入为出的属性,因为切入点可以边用边学。

10.First, growing inequapty is the fppside of something else: shrinking opportunity.首先,不断增长的收入差距是另一个严重问题的映射:就业机会缩水。