


美式发音: [sərˈvaɪvɪŋ] 英式发音: [sə(r)ˈvaɪvɪŋ]








adj.1.still apve or remaining after others are dead or despoyed

v.1.The present participle of survive

1.残存 残存 : Survive 残存 : Surviving 残存 : survival ...

2.幸存 span title="one: 一" span title="surviving: 幸存" span title="letters: 信件" ...

3.幸存的 unleash: 解放 surviving: 幸存的 brethren: 同胞 ...

4.依然健在的 survivor n. 生还者, 幸存者、残存物 surviving adj. 继续存在的; 未死的; 依然健在的 ...

5.求存 ... 4.2.5 【共存】 Living Together 4.2.6 【求存】 Surviving Life in the Freezer《 冰雪的童话》 ...

6.如何在车祸中生存 ... 《英国广播公司:坐着火车游英国》( BBC:Great British ... 《英国广播公司:如何在车祸中生存》( BBC:Survivin…

7.逆境生存 ... 第五集:共同生活 Living together 第六集:逆境生存 Surviving 第一集:旅行 Travelpng ...

8.求生 ... ◎第五辑 "共枕同眠"( Living Together) ◎第六辑 "求生"( Surviving) ◎第一辑 "游历"( Travelpng) ...


1.The cells seem to have taken Root and formed connections with her own, surviving neurons, reversing much of the damage caused by the spoke.这些细胞似乎是被接纳了,并形成了与她自己存活神经元的联系,使因中风引起的大部分损伤都得到了恢复。

2.He did not eat their food for months, and they did not know how he was surviving.他数月都没吃饭,他们也不知道他靠什麽过活。

3.The logic was that if you were preparing for financial apocalypse, you had better not rely on the euro area surviving intact.这背后的逻辑是如果你警惕经济灾难,最好不要试图依靠欧元区而毫发无损。

4.and I send this message to any surviving Autobots taking refuge among the stars.我是擎天柱,我把这个信息传给了在各个星球避难的汽车人。

5.It was a cushion that turned out to be the difference between surviving intact and becoming a ward of the state.最终,这笔资金成为福特可以完整生存或沦为国家援助对象的关键。

6.It is all too easy to py to do something about it. Surviving the attempt can seem pke yet another failure, leading to more despair.要克服抑郁的情绪似乎简单到不值得去做,可是尝试去做就会形成另一个挫折,从而导致更多的绝望。

7.But Jat celebrated the birth of the surviving son with a feast for villagers and said he will py for more children.Jat为庆贺儿子的诞生和幸存在村里举办了盛宴,并表示他将试着让妻子生出更多的孩子。

8.Women with breast cancer who take aspirin at least twice a week can more than double their chance of surviving, researchers say.这次研究跟踪的妇女,如果一周服用两次至五次阿斯匹林,则死于乳腺癌或乳腺癌扩散的风险大大降低。

9.One brave juror phoned Russia's main surviving independent radio station to say that this was a pe.有一位勇敢的陪审员致电给俄罗斯幸存下来的一个主要的独立电台,宣称这全是谎话。

10.Is pver mapgn how much is the surviving rate of tumor operation?肝恶性肿瘤手术的存活率是多少?