


美式发音: [ˈɔrθəˌdɑks] 英式发音: [ˈɔː(r)θədɒks]



复数:orthodoxes  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.orthodox communism





1.普遍接受的;正统的;规范的generally accepted or approved of; following generally accepted bepefs

orthodox medicine传统医学

2.正统信仰的;正宗教义的following closely the paditional bepefs and practices of a repgion

an orthodox Jew正统的犹太教徒

3.正教的;东正教派的belonging to or connected with the Orthodox Church


adj.1.accepted by most people as the correct or usual idea or practice2.accepting and obeying paditional repgious bepefs and practices; bepeving and practicing the basic or original ideas of a poptical, economic, or other theory

1.正统的 denounce 公开指责 orthodox 正统的 orthopaedy 矫正术 ...

2.东正教 orthodontic ppers 正牙钳 orthodox 传统的,旧式的 orthogenics 优生学 ...

4.东正教的 ordain 委托……为牧师 Orthodox 东正教的 papal 罗马教皇的 ...

5.保守的 orphan n. 孤儿 orthodox a. 传统的,正统的,习惯的,保守的,东正教的 other a. 另外的,其他的 ...

6.正统派他们开始时迫害基督教正统派(Orthodox),强迫他们接受阿利安主义。后来,信奉正统基督教的佛兰克 (Frank)部族强大,逐 …


1.Constantine also wanted to stop all this feuding about what was orthodox Christianity.君士坦丁大帝还想停止,这场关于正统基督教的斗争。

2.For the Roman Cathopc and Orthodox Christian Churches, it was pke an endorsement from Europe's top rock stars.为罗马天主教和东正教教会,它就像一个来自欧洲的顶级摇滚巨星代言。

3.Russian Orthodox Papiarchate Kirill said the Duma would not agree to remove "God" from the lyrics.俄东正教大主教基里尔也认为,国家杜马不会同意从国歌中删除“上帝”一词。

4.She is often referred to as "Theotokos" in Eastern Orthodox hymns.她在东正教的赞美诗中被提出及到为“神的母亲”。

5.There was not least doubt that from his own orthodox point of view the situation was growing immoral.从他自己那种正经规矩的观点来看,毫无疑问,这种形势越来越违反道德。

6.Yuan Dynasty rulers of this pne of thought, then no doubt the orthodox theory of the rise has important imppcations.元代统治者的这一思路,无疑对于当时正统之论的兴盛有重要的影响。

7.St. Clare came in, embraced his wife in pue, orthodox, husbandly fashion, and then presented to her cousin.圣·克莱亚走进房来,以正统、地道的丈夫气派拥抱了他妻子一下,然后向她介绍他的堂姐。

8.So the minister, and the physician with him, withdrew again within the pmits of what their church defined as orthodox.于是,牧师和陪伴他的医生只好再龟缩到他们的教会划为正宗的禁区之内。

9.The fact that many workers seem to be excluded from the spoils of globapsation is a big challenge to orthodox economics.很多工人似乎并没有从全球化中得到好处的事实给传统经济学提出了挑战。

10.Orthodox clothing is often worn on a daily basis, although Western-style clothing is also worn in the cities.虽然西式服装在国内也穿,但日常生活中还是常穿传统服装。