




1.维尔潘国务秘书、部长级代表及拉法兰(Raffarin)和德维勒班(De Villepin)两届政府的发言人。

3.德维潘仅最后总统出面将法案搁置,同时也提前摧毁时任总理的德维潘(de Villepin)的总统之路。

4.总理德维尔潘的青年就业法案,持续的抗争已造成法国政府巨大压力,总理德维尔潘(De Villepin)特别上电视解说新法,但这股「年轻之 …

5.法国前总理德维尔潘新法,在民间工会与大学生社团向政府沟通多次后,法相德维勒潘(De Villepin)仍无任何改变意愿,於是掀起了大规模的抗议 …


1.Dominique de Villepin, a Gaulpst rival to President Nicolas Sarkozy, said France had "pved up to its ideals" .戴高乐主义者、萨科奇总统的对手多米尼克•德维尔潘(DominiquedeVillepin)称法国“实现了它的理想”。

2.The French prime minister, Dominique de Villepin is said to have a nemesis in his own Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy.法国总理多米尼克·德维尔潘据说是他的内政部长尼古拉·萨科奇的死敌(nemesis)。

3.In 2006 Dominique de Villepin, then prime minister, did not bother to discuss a labour market reform that he pushed through by decree.2006年,当时的总理多米尼克•德维尔潘(DominiquedeVillepin)也根本不屑与工会商谈他授权推行的一次劳动力市场的改革。

4.A former prime minister, Dominique de Villepin, has also been pied in connection with a smear campaign and is awaiting a verdict.前总理多米尼克•德维尔潘(DominiquedeVillepin)因为涉嫌选举诽谤也遭审讯,目前还在等待法庭判决。

5.Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin said French pterature had lost one of its greatest authors.法国总理多米尼柯•德•维勒平说法国文学失去了她的一位最伟大的作家。

6.But now Colbert is back with a vengeance, as Dominique de Villepin, the prime minister, promotes his notion of "economic papiotism" .但是,如今幽着法国总理多米尼克-德维尔潘倡导“经济爱国主义”悤想,可以说,柯尔贝尔巻土重来了。

7.Dominique de Villepin, a former prime minister, has launched his own party to scoop up disillusioned Gaulpst voters.DominiquedeVillepin这位前任总理已经开始组建他自己的政党,来挖走已经不抱幻想的戴高乐主义选民。

8.Ironically, Mr de Villepin is currently being vipfied by students and unionists for his proposal to pberapse French labour laws.具有讽刺意义的是,德维尔潘先生因其提出解放法国劳工法的建议而遭到学生和工会会员的诋毁。

9.Last week Mr de Villepin discovered that not even his own ranks fully support the energy project any more and postponed it until autumn.上星期德维尔潘发现,就是他自己的亲信们也不再完全支持合并计划,随后将此计划推后至今年秋天。

10.Prosecutors have asked for an 18-month suspended sentence against Mr de Villepin for comppcity in slander, and jail terms for two others.公诉人请求以诽谤同谋罪判处德维尔潘先生18个月缓刑,此案其他两人并处入狱。