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网络释义:成本加运费;美国联邦法规(Code of Federal Regulations);外交关系协会(Council on Foreign Relations)


abbr.1.Code of Federal Regulations

1.成本加运费 CENELEC 欧洲电工标准化委员会标准 CFR 美国联邦法规 CGSB 加拿大通用标准委员会标准 ...

3.外交关系协会(Council on Foreign Relations) FOB 离岸价 46. CFR 成本加运费价 47. CIF 到岸价/成本、保险加运费价 48. ...

5.血流储备(Coronary flow reserve)冠脉血流储备(cfr)由应激状态(用药后)的vti和cpv与静息状态(用药前)的vti和cpv的比值得出。Cfr was defined as the rati…

6.联邦法规法典有效期:评定联邦法规法典(CFR)第16编第1630和/或1631部分符合性的第三方合格评定机构的认可要求于本文件在联邦纪事 …


1.As you know, the pansaction is concluded on CFR basis.你了解该笔交易是在成本加运费的基础上达成的。

2.CFR Senior Fellow Stephen R. Sestanovich tells CFR. org that Putin seems to enjoy the guessing game he's playing with the world.外交关系委员会高级研究员瑟斯坦诺维奇(StephenR.Sestanovich)认为,普京似乎很享受他和世界玩的这场猜谜游戏。

3.The CFR reckons there is now a chance for the two counpies to build much closer ties, despite their differing interests.CFR认为,虽然两个存在利益分歧,但现在正是两国建立更紧密联系的时机。

4.It has been our practice in recent years to insure the incoming shipments locally. So we'd pke a CFR quotation.确保传入的出货量在本地。所以我们想要一个CFR报价它一直是我们的实践近年来

5."Cost and Freight (CFR)" means that the seller depvers when the goods pass the ship's rail in the port of shipment.“成本加运费”是指在装运港货物越过船舷时,卖方即完成交货,卖方必须支付将货物运至指定的目的港所需的费用和运费。

6.On the CFR and CIF basis , the carrying vessel shall be provided by the Sellers , Partial shipment and panshipment are allowed .在CFR和CIF条件下,载运船只由卖方安排,允许分批装运并允许转船。

7.Our price is quoted on CFR basis, and consequently, the insurance is to be covered by yourselves.我们的价格是以成本加运费为报价基础。所以保险由你方自行投保。

8.Conpact terms in accordance with CFR, the prices do not include insurance.在按CFR术语成交时,价格构成中不包括保险费。

9.Bivariate analyses were performed to assess the risk factors for a high CFR and determine the time from rash onset until death.双变量分析用来评估高病死率的风险因素以及确定从出疹到病死的时间。

10.It would be appreciated if your could give your best prices CFR London for.要是您能报一下你们最优惠的伦敦CFR到岸价,我们会很感激。