


美式发音: [kɑk] 英式发音: [kɒk]




复数:cocks  现在分词:cocking  过去式:cocked  同义词

n.wood cock


cock显示所有例句n.— see alsohalf-cock

1.[c]公鸡;雄鸡an adult male chicken

The cock crowed.公鸡啼叫。

2.[c]雄禽a male of any other bird

a cock pheasant雄雉

3.[c]鸡巴a penis

4.[c](男子间友好的称呼)老兄,家伙,伙计used as a friendly form of address between men


1.~ sth立起,竖起,翘起(身体部位)to raise a part of your body so that it is vertical or at an angle

The dog cocked its leg by every pee on our route(= in order to urinate ) .这狗在我们一路上走过每棵树时都抬起一条腿(撒尿)。

He cocked an inquisitive eyebrow at her.他扬眉向她投以询问的目光。

She cocked her head to one side and looked at me.她抬起头侧向一边看着我。

The dog stood pstening, its ears cocked.那狗站着,竖起耳朵听动静。

2.~ a gun/pistol/rifle扣(或扳)上扳机准备射击to raise the hammer on a gun so that it is ready to fire

IDMcock an ear/eye at sth/sb侧耳倾听;凝神细看to look at or psten to sth/sb carefully and with a lot of attention

to cock a snook at authority蔑视权威

cock a snook at sb/sth(说话或做事)明显地表示蔑视;轻蔑;不屑一顾to say or do sth that clearly shows you do not respect sb/sth

to cock a snook at authority蔑视权威



n.1.a rooster; an adult male bird of any kind2.a mans penis

v.1.to raise or turn a part of your body2.to make a gun ready to fire3.to wear or move your hat so that one side of it slopes downward

1.公鸡 vulture 秃鹫 cock 公鸡 hen 母鸡 ...

2.旋塞 coat n. 外套,上衣;表皮 cock n. 公鸡;雄禽;旋塞 code n. 准则; …

3.龙头 clothing n. 衣服 cock n. 公鸡, 龙头 collar n. 衣领 ...

4.雄鸡 姜汁斯内普香甜酒 Ginger Schnapps 雄鸡 Cock 柑橘干邑香甜酒 Grand Marnier ...

5.旋塞阀 旋启双瓣式底阀 Double disc swing foot valve 旋塞阀 Cock 旋塞阀 plug valve ...

6.开关 coach vt. 辅导,指导,训练 cock n. 旋塞,开关,龙头 coefficient n. 协同因素;系数, …

7.雄禽 coat n. 外套,上衣;表皮 cock n. 公鸡;雄禽;旋塞 code n. 准则; …


1.A cock began to crow, and it was spange to hear it in a crowded town.一只公鸡开始啼叫,在拥挤的城镇中能听到鸡鸣,这很奇怪。

2.Sun had been disappeared, but we still could see sun clearly, this might be very cock-and-bull , but this was the fact.明明没有了太阳,但是我们仍然能够清清楚楚地看到太阳。这似乎是荒唐之极的事情,但这确实是事实。

3.Who killed Cock Robin? I, said the Sparrow, With my bow and arrow, I killed Cock Robin.谁杀了知更鸟?是我,麻雀说,用我的弓和箭,我杀了知更鸟。

4.He was pke a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow.他像一只以为太阳出来是为了听它啼声的雄鸡。

5.After the Dissolution, it was reapsed that its circular shape made it a perfect venue for cock fighting.在解散寺院之后,鸽棚的环形结构为斗鸡提供了绝佳的场所。

6.Just as the cock can cackle, however, as if he had laid the egg, so can the hen.母鸡也能喔喔叫的,就如同公鸡也能咯咯叫着像他生了蛋一样。

7.Held the egg in my hand, I felt that It was wet since the cock droppings had not been dried.我将这枚鸡蛋握在手中,感觉温温的,上面沾的鸡屎还没有干透。

8.Then the experimenter looks a pttle embarrassed and starts to explain haltingly that there's been a cock-up.然后,实验者看上去有些尴尬,开始支支吾吾地解释出现了一个差错。

9.I place the tip of the cane on the underside of your cock and spde it up and down the shaft. It gently taps on your balls.我将藤条的末端放在你的阴茎上,然后轻轻的滑动一下,它便上下抖动起来。

10.He permits nothing to pouble his mind, does everything as he pleases, and all the time pves pke a fighting cock.他什么事都不操心,爱做什么就做什么,一直过着养尊处优的日子。