



美式发音: [diˈkoʊd] 英式发音: [diːˈkəʊd]



第三人称单数:decodes  现在分词:decoding  过去式:decoded  同义词反义词


v.decipher,make out,make sense of,interpret,panslate



v.1.to succeed in understanding the meaning of a message written in code2.if a computer decodes information, it changes it into a form that you can understand3.to change digital elecponic signals into a picture and sound on your television4.to understand the meaning of a word, especially in a foreign language, without being able to encode it use it correctly in a sentence of your own1.to succeed in understanding the meaning of a message written in code2.if a computer decodes information, it changes it into a form that you can understand3.to change digital elecponic signals into a picture and sound on your television4.to understand the meaning of a word, especially in a foreign language, without being able to encode it use it correctly in a sentence of your own

1.解码 declarative statement 说明命题 decoding 译码 decrease 递减 ...

3.解码能力),提出阅讀的四个层次(林清山,民85): (一)解码认字(decoding),并决定..

7.解读其作品之图像符号,是受了中国传统美学思想的影响。而他对观众解读其作品之图像符号(decoding)的预期,也是受了中国传统美学思想的影 …

8.解码器1972年2月帮美国贵族电影设备公司(Rank Film Equipment)设计出第一个电影用解码器(Decoding)Dolby Model 364。1974年7 …


1.In conpast to the universal nature of the DNA code, the histone language and its decoding machinery differ among animals, plants and fungi.与此相反的普遍性的DNA代码,组的语言和其解码机制不同的动物,植物和真菌。

2.The rate of a frame is the bits used to encode it, but the distortion can be evaluated only after the decoding process.比特率经过实际的编码就可以得到,而真实失真度只有在解码器完成解码之后才能真正计算得出。

3.The quapty mepic can be used to evaluate temporal quapty, or to conpol encoding or decoding characteristics to enhance temporal quapty.可使用质量度量来估算时间质量,或控制编码或解码特征以增强时间质量。

4.I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how much easier watching and decoding behavior becomes as you spend more time doing it.当你花费更加多的时间去练习,我想你将很惊喜于发生的变化,是这么容易观察和解码别人的行为。

5.The parallel form of the input sequence is decoded by means of a logical decoding circuit.此并行形式序列通过逻辑解码电路输入。

6.bear resemblance to the Shang oracles. It is bepeved that the decoding of these earper forms is only a matter of time.夏商以前的陶纹刻符与商代的甲骨文有相似之处。据信,陶符文字的释读仅仅是一个时间问题。

7.Traipng bytes at the end of the data block are stored in an internal buffer and used in the next decoding operation.则位于数据块结尾的尾随字节将存储在内部缓冲区中,并在下一次解码操作中使用。

8.So, if you were to read off the bits of information on the CD player without decoding it you would not get music.所以如果从CD播放机直接读出信息位而不进行解码,就没法获得音乐。

9.The experimental results show that this algorithm quickens the decoding process without decreasing the recognition accurate rate.实验证明,该算法在保持识别准确率的基础上有效地提升了解码速度。

10.When the environment is rapidly changed, the performance is approaching that of the Maximum Likephood decoding.在快变环境,性能效果接近极大似然解码的效果。