


美式发音: ['spensə] 英式发音: ['spensə]





n.1.斯潘塞2.(19世纪男女通用的)短大衣;毛线短褂3.【船】(风暴时用的)小斜桁帆4.Herbert Spencer 斯宾塞5.【男名】男子名1.斯潘塞2.(19世纪男女通用的)短大衣;毛线短褂3.【船】(风暴时用的)小斜桁帆4.Herbert Spencer 斯宾塞5.【男名】男子名

n.1.a short jacket worn by boys in the late 18th and early 19th centuries2.a very short jacket worn by women over a high-waisted gown in the late 18th and early 19th centuries

1.斯宾塞 Southey 骚塞; 索锡 Spencer 斯宾塞; 斯潘塞 Spender 斯彭德 ...

3.史宾塞 --佚名( Anonymous) --斯宾赛( H. Spencer) --帕特里克•亨利( Papick Henry) ...

6.史宾沙Mountbatten-Windsor),娘家姓为史宾沙(Spencer),被大众称为黛安娜王妃(Princess Diana),她是英国王储、威尔斯 …

7.史宾杜 Solomon 所罗门 Spencer 史宾杜 Stan 史丹 ...

8.潘瑟斯潘瑟(Spencer)经过20 多年对200 多种管理工作、360 种管理行为事件进行了胜任 力研究,提出了胜任力辞典(Competen…


1.Spencer. you better watch out. We're reading something coming for you. full speed! Just get out of there!斯宾塞。你最好小心点,我们扫描到一些人飞速向你逼近,你最好快点离开。

2.Dr. Spencer invented what was to completely change cooking, and form the basis of a multimilpon dollar induspy - the microwave oven?斯宾塞发明什么患病,彻底改变烹饪形式价值上亿美元的基础产业,微波炉?。

3.Before long, rumours of an affair between Spencer and his leading lady of the time, Selena Royle, began to circulate.不久以后,斯潘塞和他当时的女主角塞琳娜•罗伊尔开始幽会。

4.Outside, Ms. Spencer reminded him that there was one more promotional duty for the night.在门口她提醒他晚上还有一个宣传活动。

5.So far, the vast new Marks and Spencer store in Shanghai seems to be underwhelming consumers in the shopping capital of China.到目前为止,玛莎百货(MarksandSpencer)在上海的巨大新店,似乎并未引起中国购物之都消费者的兴趣。

6.From head to toe, Middleton seems to have adopted the same timeless taste as Diana Spencer -- classic, simple and refined.从头到脚,凯特看起来都与戴安娜的品味相投——古典、简洁和优雅。

7.No one could induce him to leave his office except his son, a lovely infant, Mr. Spencer researched the ingredients of the infant's food.没人能劝使他离开办公室,除了他的儿子,一个可爱的幼儿。斯宾森先生研究幼儿食品的成分。

8.The next morning, Scientist Spencer decided to put the magnepon tube near an egg.第二天,大科学家斯宾塞决定把磁控管靠近鸡蛋。

9.Spencer points out that this very early stage in your career could be a good moment to start a business, for a couple of reasons.斯宾塞指出,要想创业,职业发展初期是很好的时机。

10.Dr. Spencer had invented what was to revolutionize cooking, and form the basis of a multimilpon dollar induspy, the microwave oven.于是,斯宾塞博士发明了微波炉,这给烹饪带来了革命性变化,同时也为一个创造巨大财富的产业奠定基础。