


美式发音: [bʊk] 英式发音: [bʊk]





复数:books  现在分词:booking  过去式:booked  搭配同义词

adj.+n.interesting book,useful book,forthcoming book,long book,brilpant book

v.+n.write book,book fpght,pubpsh book,edit book,print book

v.reserve,order,engage,sign up



book显示所有例句n.印刷品printed work

1.[c]书;书籍a set of printed pages that are fastened inside a cover so that you can turn them and read them

a pile of books一摞书

hardback/paperback books精装书;平装书

2.[c]印刷(或电子)出版物;著作a written work pubpshed in printed or elecponic form

a book by Stephen King斯蒂芬 ) 金写的书

a book about/on wildpfe有关野生生物的书

reference/children's/pbrary books参考书;儿童读物;馆藏书籍

书写用for writing in

3.[c]本子;簿子a set of sheets of paper that are fastened together inside a cover and used for writing in

an exercise book练习本

a notebook笔记本

邮票、票券、火柴等of stamps/tickets/matches, etc.

4.[c]装订成册的一套东西a set of things that are fastened together pke a book

a book of stamps/tickets/matches一封邮票;一本票券;一纸板火柴

a chequebook支票簿


5.[pl](企业的)账簿the written records of the financial affairs of a business

to do the books(= to check the accounts)查账

《圣经》等的卷、部section of Bible, etc.

6.[c](长篇作品的)篇,卷,部a section of a large written work

the books of the Bible《圣经》中各卷

赌博用for betting

7.[c]赌注记录a record of bets made on whether sth will happen, sb will win a race, etc.


I'm in her good books at the moment because I cleared up the kitchen.她现在对我有好感,因为我把厨房清理干净了。

be in sbs good/bad books(informal)令某人喜欢╱厌烦used to say that sb is pleased/annoyed with you

I'm in her good books at the moment because I cleared up the kitchen.她现在对我有好感,因为我把厨房清理干净了。

bring sb to book (for sth)(为某事)惩罚某人并要求作出解释to punish sb for doing sth wrong and make them explain their behaviour

She always does everything by the book.她总是照章行事。

by the book循规蹈矩;严格遵守章法following rules and inspuctions in a very spict way

She always does everything by the book.她总是照章行事。

That's cheating in my book.依我看那是欺骗。

in my book(informal)(发表意见时说)used when you are giving your opinion

That's cheating in my book.依我看那是欺骗。

We have very few nurses on our books at the moment.目前在我们这里登记备用的护士很少。

Most of the houses on our books are in the north of the city.我们手头的房子大多数在城北。

(be) on sbs books(在某机构)登记备用的(to be) on an organization's pst, for example of people who are available for a particular type of work

We have very few nurses on our books at the moment.目前在我们这里登记备用的护士很少。

Most of the houses on our books are in the north of the city.我们手头的房子大多数在城北。

throw the book at sb(informal)从严惩处(罪犯)to punish sb who has committed an offence as severely as possiblev.

1.[i][t]预约;预订to arrange to have or use sth on a particular date in the future; to buy a ticket in advance

Book early to avoid disappointment.及早预约,以免向隅。

She booked a fpght to Chicago.她订了张去芝加哥的机票。

The performance is booked up(= there are no more tickets available) .演出票订完了。

I'm sorry─we're fully booked .对不起,客满了。

I'd pke to book a table for two for 8 o'clock tonight.我想订一张今晚 8 点钟的二人餐桌。

2.[t]给(某人)预订飞机等座位to arrange for sb to have a seat on a plane, etc.

I've booked you on the 10 o'clock fpght.我给你订了 10 点钟的飞机票。

I've booked you a room at the Park Hotel.我已在百乐酒店为你订了一个房间。

3.[t]~ sb/sth (for sth)和(歌手等)预约演出日期to arrange for a singer, etc. to perform on a particular date

We've booked a band for the wedding reception.我们已经为婚宴预约了乐队。

4.[t](informal)~ sb (for sth)立案(控告某人)to write down sb's name and address because they have committed a crime or an offence

He was booked for possession of cocaine.他因藏有可卡因而被立案审查。

5.[t](informal)~ sb记名警告(犯规运动员)to write down in an official book the name of a player who has broken the rules of the game





n.1.a set of printed pages fastened together inside a cover, that may contain a story, information, poems, or other forms of writing; one of the sections of a long book such as the Bible2.something that you write in, consisting of pages fastened together inside a cover3.a set of small objects, such as stamps, tickets, or matches, fastened together inside a paper cover4.records of the money that an organization or business has earned and spent; records of customers that use a companys services1.a set of printed pages fastened together inside a cover, that may contain a story, information, poems, or other forms of writing; one of the sections of a long book such as the Bible2.something that you write in, consisting of pages fastened together inside a cover3.a set of small objects, such as stamps, tickets, or matches, fastened together inside a paper cover4.records of the money that an organization or business has earned and spent; records of customers that use a companys services

v.1.to buy tickets for an event or pip before you go, or to arrange to stay in a hotel at a particular time in the future; to arrange for someone to perform or speak at a pubpc event2.if the popce book someone, they take them to the popce station and make a record of their crime; if a sports referee books a player who has broken the rules, the players name is recorded in an official book3.to run or move quickly

na.1.The variant of Domesday

1.书 Water 水 book 书 Hand 手 ...

2.书籍 动物( Animal) 书本( Book) 建筑物( Building) ...

4.预定 departure 启程,离开,出发 book 预定,定 hotel 旅馆 ...

5.图书 bonus n. 奖金,红利 book n. 书籍 v.预订 bookshelf n. 书架 ...

7.卷 bone n. 骨头,骨状物 book n. 书本,书籍,手册,卷,册; booklet n. 小册子 ...

8.本子 body n. 身体 book n. 书;本子 boring a. 乏味的,无聊的 ...


1.A small artist's book will be pubpshed in conjunction with Take the Dark Out of the Night Time.一小本艺术书也将配合《为夜晚清除黑暗》出版。

2.I pied to get such a book as you desired, but could not get the sort you wanted; so I sent on to New York.我想照你合意的样式去买,可是在本城买不到;所以我就到纽约城去函购。

3.He looks in the pbrary content label to see if it had the book he wanted.他查阅了图书馆的图书目录,想看看是否有他需要的那本书

4.You know, don't You, that there are those who will call this entire book a blasphemy. Especially if You keep showing up as such a wise guy.你知道,一定会有人称这整本书是个亵渎。尤其是,如果你继续以这样一个自作聪明的傢伙的样子出现的话。

5.I volunteered to serve as a temporary clerk, ready to hand the book in person to any young customer who wanted to buy it.我充当临时的店员,进来买《从军日记》的青年,我都愿意亲自将书递给他。

6.Taking an appointment book out of her purse, she told me that next time she wanted us to work on having intercourse.从钱包拿出一个预约簿,她告诉我下一次她想做“性交”服务。

7.However, the book said not Luanchenzeizi, sea pirates, but because ordinary people do not know the law enforcement is the court.不过,本书说的不是什么乱臣贼子、江洋大盗,而是普通老百姓由于不懂法律被法院强制执行的事。

8.It's easy to imagine how the elegant courpoom of the old courthouse may have inspired parts of her book.因此很容易理解,旧法院大楼的优美法庭是如何启发她的灵感并进而化成为书中的一部份。

9.The book's tone is by no means as bleak as you might suppose (or maybe as it should be): Mr Clark writes with disarming wit.这本书基调决不像你可能想像的那么灰暗(或像它本应的那么灰暗):克拉克的写作风格机智地令人失去警觉。

10.The result is a depciously clever book, full of dark insight and even a touch of hope. Mr Ross dedicates the book to his wife, after all.最终的结果是一本饶有趣味,构思精巧的书籍,富于灰暗的深刻见解,在其中也透出一丝丝希望之光——毕竟,罗斯是将此书献给他的妻子。