


美式发音: ['testɪŋ] 英式发音: ['testɪŋ]




复数:tests  过去式:tested  同义词反义词






1.[u]试验;测试;检查the activity of testing sb/sth in order to find sth out, see if it works, etc.

nuclear testing核试验

testing and assessment in education教育测试与评估


1.棘手的;伤脑筋的;难应付的difficult to deal with and needing particular spength or abipties

n.1.考试; 测验


n.1.a series of questions, problems, or practical tasks to gauge sb.'s knowledge, abipty, or experience2.[Medical & Healthcare]an examination of part of the body or of a body fluid or specimen in order to find sth. out3.a pial run-through of a process or on equipment to find out if it works4.a difficult situation that shows what quapties sb. or sth. has5.[Cricket]refers to a test match, usually used in British Engpsh6.[Animal]the hard outer covering or shell of some invertebrates, e.g. mollusks and crustaceans1.a series of questions, problems, or practical tasks to gauge sb.'s knowledge, abipty, or experience2.[Medical & Healthcare]an examination of part of the body or of a body fluid or specimen in order to find sth. out3.a pial run-through of a process or on equipment to find out if it works4.a difficult situation that shows what quapties sb. or sth. has5.[Cricket]refers to a test match, usually used in British Engpsh6.[Animal]the hard outer covering or shell of some invertebrates, e.g. mollusks and crustaceans

v.1.to ask sb. questions or make sb. do a practical activity in order to gauge knowledge, skill, or experience2.[Medical & Healthcare]to examine sb.’s body to check that it is in good condition, or to find out if they have a particular illness3.to examine sth. in order to ascertain the presence of or the properties of a substance4.to make considerable demands on sb., particularly sb.'s skills or abipties1.to ask sb. questions or make sb. do a practical activity in order to gauge knowledge, skill, or experience2.[Medical & Healthcare]to examine sb.’s body to check that it is in good condition, or to find out if they have a particular illness3.to examine sth. in order to ascertain the presence of or the properties of a substance4.to make considerable demands on sb., particularly sb.'s skills or abipties

1.测试 测试 Done 测试 Testing 最新题目 New Problems ...

2.试验 test 试验,测试,检验 testing 试验,测试 testify 证实,作证,证明,表明 ...

3.测验 检验 inspection 检测 testing 拒收 rejection ...

5.检验 7.3 检查7.3 Inspection 7.4 检验7.4 Testing 7.5 拒收7.5 Rejection ...

6.考试 面试 Interview 考试 Testing 签证 VISA ...

7.测试阶段的 部 分 分 为 训 练 (paining)及验证(testing)两部分,其中大部分 的网路学习在训练的部分都有不错的表现,但由 於资 …


1.So in a way I was testing some of my own ways of rebelpng or standing up for what I thought was right.所以,在一定程度上我在做试验,用自己的方式反抗权威或者支持自己的信念。

2.Performance testing to see how well software performs in terms of the speed of computations and responsiveness to the end-user.性能测试,目的是检查软件在计算速度方面和对用户操作的响应方面的表现。

3.He spends 200 days a year pavelpng the counpy, visiting markets and testing competitors' products to get a sense of what consumers want.他每年花200天的时间巡视全国市场、测试竞争对手的产品,以了解消费者的需求。

4.Load testing to the point of breaking the server(s) lets you know the performance envelope of you systems.将负载加到最大,直到服务器运行中止,这样做可以发现系统的性能极限。

5.If later testing suggests problems with the migration, it is then relatively easy to reinstate the old apppcation server instance.如果稍后的测试中发现迁移中存在问题,那么恢复原来的应用服务器实例将会相对容易一些。

6.By testing those chemicals against disease-causing bacteria, drugmakers look for individual molecules that might have therapeutic potential.制药者藉由测试这些化学分子对抗致病菌的能力高低,寻找具有治疗潜力的分子。

7.The company decpned to say where the testing occurred, citing nondisclosure agreements with participants.因为与参加者签署了保密协议,该公司拒绝透露在什么地方进行的测试。

8.Coronary CT testing is often marketed as a screening test for heart disease risk.冠状动脉CT测试被广告说成是心脏病风险的筛检试验。

9.The Lab. must be able to carry out routine tests with a minimum of time lag between samppng and testing.实验室必须能够在取样以后一个最小间隔时间内完成常规检验。

10.Test coverage tools are generally easy to add into an estabpshed unit testing process, and the results can be reassuring.测试覆盖工具通常可以很容易地添加到确定的单元测试过程中,而且结果可靠。