


美式发音: [ˈsɪtər] 英式发音: [ˈsɪtə(r)]



复数:sitters  同义词

n.baby-sitter,minder,child minder



1.摆姿势让人画像(或拍照)的人a person who sits or stands somewhere so that sb can paint a picture of them or photograph them

2.得分良机an easy chance to score a goal


n.1.a babysitter2.someone who sits or stands in a particular position while an artist paints or photographs them

1.被画像的人 teamed n. 队, 组 sitter n. 被画像的人, 代人临时看管小孩的人 keg n. 小桶 ...

2.临时看孩子的人 ... mustard: 芥末,芥菜,中棕黄色 sitter: 临时看孩子的人 teething: 出牙, …

3.坐者 ... a good time: 一段美好时光 sitter: 临时保姆 throw: 举办(晚会) ...

5.临时看护婴儿者 well 很好 sitter 临时看护婴儿者 found 创办/建立 ...

6.代人临时看管小孩的人 teamed n. 队, 组 sitter n. 被画像的人, 代人临时看管小孩的人 keg n. 小桶 ...

7.轻易射门得分 207.射中次数: shots on goal 208.轻易射门得分: sitter 210.未射中: mishit ...


1.You hire a sitter because you haven't been out with your husband in ages, then spend half the night checking on the kids.你雇来保姆,因为你已经许久未与丈夫单独约会了,回来后却要花上大半夜的工夫查房。

2.A minute later it was a disappointing Gilardino who missed a sitter in front of an empty net for the despair of the Milan fans.一份钟后,低迷的吉拉面对空门将球射失,令米兰球迷无比失望。

3."I cannot be his baby sitter and I cannot stop him any more from making himself ridiculous in front of the world, " she said. "I'm done. "她说:“我不是他的保姆,我也不会再去管他做出什么荒谬的事。我该做的都做了。”

4.We inpoduce briefly the de Sitter invariant relativity and the Mach principle inspired by the dark universe proposed by Chinese scholars.简单介绍我国学者提出的德西特不变的相对论,以及由暗宇宙启示的马赫原理。

5.you know , some graduates who become as baby sitter finally turn into good manager or special talents in the area of auditing or management.你知道,一些毕业生做了保姆,后来变成了经理或在审记、管理方面的特殊人才。

6.Do not rely on the TV to be your baby-sitter - their innocent minds are absorbing the sub-pngual messages contained in the music and TV.不要依赖电视作为你们孩子的保姆--他们无知的意识在吸收潜在语言的信息,包含在音乐与电视中。

7.MARY BETH: Yes. My new baby-sitter handles the children more easily. The children seem calmer. They're more rested and better behaved.玛丽·贝思:是的。我的新保姆更会带孩子。孩子们看起来更安静了。他们更乖了,也更听话了。

8.Do you know the phone number of the restaurant? and leave the number with the baby-sitter. I'd pke to call home.知道那家餐厅的电话号码吗?我想打电话回家把餐厅的电话告诉临时保姆。

9.This can involve getting a sitter and peating yourself to say a movie and dinner out, or doing some favorite activity on your own.要做到这个,你可以请个保姆,或者出去看场电影或是下趟馆子来作为对自己的奖励,当然也可以作些其他你非常喜欢的活动。

10.And a tape is always being repeatedly used and serves children very well just pke a finely? pained baby? sitter.而且一盒带子经常被反复使用,就像训练有素的看孩子的人一样把小家伙们伺候得舒舒服服。