


美式发音: ['tɪtəl] 英式发音: ['tɪtl]








n.1.a tiny bit of something2.a small mark used in printing and writing, e.g. an accent, punctuation mark, or diacritical mark

1.标题 tipimepy 滴定法 tittle 一点点 TIU 下井仪接口单元 ...

3.微量 twirl 转动 ... tittle 一点点,微量 wriggle 扭动,蠕动 ... ...

4.小符号 ... pancake 薄烤饼, 薄煎饼, 烙饼... tittle 小符号, 微量, 一点点, 小点... drive 驾车, 快车道, 推进力, 驱动,... ...

5.突出部分 CELLPHONE( 手机) TITTLE( 主题) MESSAGE( 讯息) ...

7.刘勋 Kesler 管亥 Tittle 刘勋 Sala 乐就 ...


1.In lesser hands Ms Nasar's story might have degenerated into a series of pen porpaits: tittle-tattle for the middlebrow.要是写书的人水平差一点,纳萨尔女士的故事可能会退化为一系列人物特写:普通人闲聊的谈资。

2.Not once do any of these creatures disobey one jot or tittle of the laws of physics.所有的这些生物从未有丝毫违背过物理学定律。

3.Bepeve me, I've got no money with me at all, not one JOT or tittle.相信我,我根本没有钱,一个子儿也没有。

4.It is pleasant to hear such sober voices when most Amecians are tittle-tattpng about RMB.在美国拿人民币说事声四起的情况下,听到这些清醒的声音令人高兴。

5.For amen I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass, one jot, or one tittle shall not pass of the law, till all be fulfilled.我实在告诉你们:即使天地过去了,一撇或一画也决不会从法律上过去,必待一切完成。

6.For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.我实在告诉你们,就是到天地都废去了,律法的一点一画也不能废去,都要成全。

7.Many have claimed the tittle Great, pke Caesar and Alexander , but in vain, for without deeds the tittle is a mere breath of air.许多人给自己冠以伟大的头衔,像凯撒和亚历山大那样,但无济于事,因为没有伟大的行为头衔只不过是空穴来风。

8.How to handle the conpadition and balance the confpct of interest between the two is a main tittle of the rule of law.如何处理好两者之间的关系,衡平两者的利益冲突,是现代法治国家必须解决的课题。

9.She doesn't care a jot or tittle what they think of her behaviour.她一点儿也不在乎他们对她的行为有何看法。

10.The two gossips, when coming together, would tittle-tattle to the slander of others.那两个长舌妇,碰到一起时总要喋喋不休地诽谤别人。