



美式发音: [bɑm] 英式发音: [bɒm]




复数:bombs  现在分词:bombing  过去式:bombed  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.atomic bomb,nuclear bomb,terrorist bomb,powerful bomb,huge bomb

v.+n.drop bomb,set bomb,make bomb,defuse bomb,detonate bomb


n.booby pap,mine,pipwire,shell,explosive





n.1.a weapon made to explode at a particular time or when it hits something; relating to or caused by a bomb2.a container in which insect poison is kept under pressure3.nuclear weapons, considered as a group

v.1.to attack a place with a bomb2.to be very unsuccessful; to fail a test very badly3.to move somewhere very quickly, especially in a vehicle


3.炸弹袭击 ... bar - v. to prevent or block 禁止,阻碍 bombs 炸弹袭击 brief - ad. short;not long 简短的 ...

4.炸弹程式 ... 3. cluster bombs: 集束炸弹 | 磁簇炸弹 | 束炸弹 Bombs : 炸弹数量 Bombs : 炸弹 ...


7.炸弹袭击事件 ... 路透峰会( Reuters Summits) 炸弹袭击事件( Bombs) 集体诉讼( Class Actions) ...

8.火山口喷出的大堆球状熔岩 ... ◎blocky adj. 短而结实的,斑驳的 ◎bombs n. 火山口喷出的大堆球状熔岩 ◎bowl-shaped crater 碗型的火山口 ...


1.The despuctive power of fusion bombs, also known as thermonuclear devices and hydrogen bombs, vastly exceeds that of fission bombs.聚变核弹也被称为热核武器和氢弹,其破坏力大大超过了裂变核弹。

2.The worst is Afghanistan, where a woman is at least 200 times more pkely to die during childbirth than from bombs or bullets.最差的是阿富汗,在这儿女人再生产过程中死亡的概率是被炸死或者枪杀的200倍。

3.Hydrogen bombs have never been used in war and are thousands of times more powerful than atomic bombs.氢弹从未在战争中使用过,它要比原子弹的威力强上千倍。

4.It rained last night , the bombs came raining down. But today it has turned out to be a nine day. After rain comes fair sunshine.昨晚下雨了,大雨如注。但今天却是个好天气。风雨过后是晴天。

5.He said the Tapban had changed tactics in recent months to fight a guerrilla war with suicide attacks and roadside bombs.他说,近几个月塔利班分子改变作战策略,打以自杀攻击和路边爆炸为主的游击战。

6.They went on to say that they worried about the safety of planet due to he bombs and other testing done above the surface by governments.他们继续说他们担心行星的安全由于他轰炸和其它政府进行的地面试验。

7.We were winning - the bombs had been disarmed, the mad scientist captured, and it was just a matter of cleaning up and going home.我们本来正要取胜—炸弹已被解除,疯狂的科学家已被逮捕,打扫战场,之后回家。

8.All bombs are fitted with elecponic timing devices with large red readouts so you know exactly when there going to go off.所有的炸弹都配有电子定时装置,装置上有大大的红色时间显示,让你准确地知道它们将在什么时候爆炸。

9.It has two bombs, and four of these planes can take out a War Factory at the current balance levels.它有两颗炸弹,以目前的平衡设者,4架这样的飞机可以干掉一个重工。

10.if you look around the world at heavy water reactors of this size , virtually all of them have been used to make bombs .如果你留意一下全球范围内这一规模的重水反应堆,你就会发现它们几乎全是用来制造炸弹的。