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1.They find out that the new baby is going to be a girl, and day after day, Michael sings to his sister in Mommy's tummy.孩子有可能是个女孩,于是,迈克尔每天都趴在妈妈的肚子上对他的妹妹唱歌。

2.My wife and I are about to have a new baby girl and we were planning to call her "Aisha" , which we think is a beautiful African name.我妻子和我将迎来一个女儿,我们打算给她取名为“阿伊莎”(Aisha)。我们觉得,这是一个非常美丽的非洲名字。

3.They find out that the new baby is going to be a girl, day after day, night after night, Michael sings to his sister in Mommy's tummy .他们知道了这是个女孩,于是,日复一日,一夜又一夜,迈克尔趴在妈妈肚子上为他的小妹妹唱歌。

4.When a happy new mother moved the cloth to look upon her new baby's tiny face, she was shocked. The baby had been born without ears !当一个开心的母亲挪开襁褓端祥新生婴儿精致的脸蛋,她给吓着了,小宝贝天生没有耳朵。

5.A pttle girl said there was a new baby at her house. "Has the baby come to stay? " she was asked.一个小女孩儿说她家新来了一个婴儿,别人问她,“这个婴儿是来住下吗?”

6.A: Jim is jealous of his new baby sister because his parents spend so much time with her.吉姆非常妒忌他的婴儿妹妹,因为他父母在他身上花大多时间了。

7.And of course, the fist time I started worrying about diapers and preschool and all that a new baby brings to the table.当然,那也是我第一次开始担心尿布和幼儿园以及新生儿所会带来的一切问题。

8.But I was also nervous -- since they were our first babies -- that they might have some issues with the new baby.不过我也担心他们,因为他们是我们的两个大孩子,他们也许会和小宝宝发生冲突。

9.It was eaten to celebrate the birth of a new baby or to remember the dead.原来吃这种食物是为了庆祝新生儿的出生或纪念死者。

10.He's never played in another tournament. He's decpned all interviews. He's simply stayed at home with his wife and new baby.他从未在其他联赛上出场,也谢绝了所有采访,他只是呆在家陪着妻子和新出世的孩子。