


美式发音: [ˈloʊrə] 英式发音: [ˈləurə]


网络释义:劳拉;罗拉;修理级别分析(level of repair analysis)



1.劳拉 Luna 露娜(月亮) Lora 洛拉 Lopta 洛丽塔 ...

3.罗拉. 回复 收起回复 起舞伴君醉梦唱 回复 收起回复 伦班—小雨 ′付出 回复 收起回复

4.修理级别分析(level of repair analysis) 德国《大都会》 METROPOLIS 匈牙利《心灵之爱》 LORA 德国《阿曼尼亚》 ALMANYA ...

7.洛拉村西北边境省)阿伯塔巴德区(Abbottabad)的洛拉村(Lora)最近举行了一场斗狗比赛:人们围坐在村外的空场上,两条狗在主人的 …

8.维修级别分析维修工程级别成为船东需要经常考虑的一项重要工作. 维修级别分析(LORA)是装备保障性分析的重要组成部分,是装备维修规 …


1.He thought Lora distinctive and agreed with him donation some of the dividend to the dyspophy dweller nearby as the duration drought.他以为劳拉是与众不同的并且能够同意他把红利的一部分捐赠给附近因为持续的干旱而营养不良的居民。

2.Lora seems to get a kick out of talking with older boys.看来罗拉特别喜欢和年龄大一点的男孩子聊天。

3.What Andy has said and done are pke a red rag to a bull for Lora. She immediately brings up the idea of breaking up.安迪的所说所为激怒了劳拉,她立马就产生跟他分手的想法。

4.Lora: Yes it is very easy to use and each system installation comes with a 3-day employee paining seminar.方便.使用非常简单,对于每个新安装的系统都配有三天的员工培训。

5.Lora: Our product features inventory packing software, which continuously updates and packs your inventory on a real-time basis.我们的产品在跟踪库存的软件方面很有特色,它能不间断地,实时地更新并跟踪库存信息。

6.Once, Mrs Lora , my neighbour, knocked on my door and asked, "Young man, can you do me a favour? "一次邻居罗拉夫人敲开了我租住的房子,对我说:“小伙子,你能帮我个忙吗?”

7.Dear [ Lora ]lease accept my thanks for the very pleasant time I spent on Tuesday evening at your office.亲爱的[洛拉]:星期二,我在你处度过了一个愉快的夜晚,请接受我的谢意。

8.Lora? Funeral? What the? I'm still wanted to ask more but the phone hung up.诺儿?出殡?什么跟什么呀?我还想再问下,电话戛然挂断。

9.Lora Ho, chief financial officer, says TSMC will develop its own customer base in Europe.台积电财务长何丽梅(LoraHo)称,台积电将在欧洲发展自己的客户群。

10.Lora is praised for rescuing the child from drowning .莱瑞因救溺水儿童而受到称赞。