


网络释义:世界犬业联盟(Federation Cynologique Internationale);国际保理商联合会(Factors Chain International);世界畜犬联盟


1.世界犬业联盟(Federation Cynologique Internationale)而第一个正式饲养此犬的准则被犬协会采用.此准则亦被FCI (Federation Cynological International) 所采用,此组织提供庇护,给 …


1.The new FCI standard has differences with which many, including myself, do not agree.新的FCI标准存在着争议,许多人,包括我自己都不苟同。

2.The representative associations which meet two of the following requirements would be accepted by FCI if there is no federation association.任何两年未交纳会费的会员协会或代表协会将收到一份督促其交费的挂号信函。

3.The innovation of this paper is using financial conditional index(FCI) to analyse the relationship between asset price and inflation.本文的创新之处在于构造具有我国特色的金融条件指数FCI来研究资产价格和通货膨胀之间的关系。

4.FCI estabpshed in 1968, makes the business of this international settlement have one's own operation orders.1968年成立的FCI,使这项国际结算业务有了自己的运作秩序。

5.Declare a unique identification number for each custom function that you will create with the FCI.为FCI所创建的每一个定制函数声明惟一的识别号。

6.For over 26 years, FCI has designed and engineered pfe safety systems for commercial, induspial and institutional apppcations worldwide.在超过26年的时间里,FCI致力于用于世界范围的商业、工业和民用机构的火灾报警控制系统的设计和研究。

7.There are several methods defined in this interface, but extensionInit is the only one you need to implement to create a new FCI extension.该接口中定义了很多方法,但是extensionInit是惟一需要实现的方法,用于创建新的FCI扩展。

8.They are designed to force students to choose between Newtonian concepts and "common-sense" alternatives.FCI的设计是为了让学生不得不从牛顿定律的概念和普通观念之间做出选择。

9.The FCI more respect for their dogs, dog competition is intended to have with good development.而FCI更尊重犬本身,比赛的目的是为了犬有跟好的发展。

10.To create an extension with the FCI pbrary, you follow six steps, which are described in detail in the following sections.若要使用FCI库创建扩展,请执行以下六个步骤,下面几节将详细描述这些步骤。