




1.中国女孩dimir Tretchikoff)的肖像装饰画《中国女孩》(Chinese Girl)在伦敦一场拍卖会上以近百万英镑之价成交,英国钻石商劳伦 …

2.中国姑娘 09. 请继续,任性( Please Continue, Willfulness) 10. 中国姑娘( Chinese Girl) 11. 谁的奥斯卡?( Whose Oscar Is This?) ...

3.中国美女 观音灵感真言 Kwan-yin MV 中国美女 Chinese Girl 云南山歌搞笑 弹棉花 to fluff cotton MV ...

4.华人女孩国广播公司报道,俄国超写实主义大师切奇科夫代表作《中国妇人》(Chinese Girl)原作将于3月20日在英国伦敦拍卖,预计成 …

6.中国人体艺术 欧美人体艺术( Occident Girl) 中国人体艺术( Chinese Girl) 人体艺术图片( Human body art) ...

7.中国女儿检视图片中国女儿(Chinese Girl)检视图片北京人(Peking Men) 检视图片玉山冻顶(Niple's) 检视图片草地人(Counpy Men) 检视 …


1.I should ask for more so that you know it's not easy to marry a Chinese girl.应该继续为难你,让你知道娶中国媳妇回家不容易。

2.If you wish to impress a Chinese girl you have to prove to her that you can be such a man of honor.如果你想要给中国的女孩子一个好的印象,你要能向她证明自己可以做一个正直的好男人。

3.A photograph of a man pying to grab the torch from a Chinese girl in a wheelchair drew many responses.一张照片,一个男人试图抓住火炬从一个中国女孩在轮椅上引起不少反应。

4.A photograph of a man pying to grab the torch from a Chinese girl in a wheelchair was widely circulated.一名男子企图从坐在轮椅上的中国姑娘手中抢夺火炬的照片,也在网上广泛流传。

5."If I don't own my own home" , he explained to me, "no decent Chinese girl is ever going to consider marrying me. "“如果我没有自己的房子”,他向我解释道“没有一个好姑娘是会考虑和我结婚的”。

6."And I would never spend my money on a Chinese girl skeleton. That would be crossing the pne. It" s a Chinese boy, for the record.我从来不会花我的钱,对一个中国女孩的骨骼。这将是后防线上。它的一个中国男孩,作记录。

7.It's part of her clean-cut, Chinese girl-next-door image that seems to appeal to many in mainland China.在中国大陆,她清纯的、邻家女孩的形象吸引了很多人。

8.He and his wife also adopted a Chinese girl who was abandoned in a vegetable market in the eastern city of Yangzhou.他和夫人还收养了一个被遗弃在扬州一个菜市场中的中国女孩。

9.I am looking to marry a nice Chinese girl and bring her to the U. S. with me.我现在想和一位美丽的中国女性结为连理,把她带到美国去,和我一起生活。

10.It has been a shocking ordeal for someone who says she always considered herself just pke every other Chinese girl.对于一个坚持认为自己与其他女孩相同的人来说,始终是一个巨大的考验。