




1.五郎 MERRTO 迈途 GORO 捷路 RAPADLAB 象外 ...

4.戈罗 ... Stars/Japanese/Male/Inagaki_Goro, 稻垣吾郎 Stars/Japanese/Male/Issei_Ishida, 石田壹成 ...

6.高洛  而高洛(Goro)和绍康(Shao Kahn)已经被确认会是头目级角色,但目前仍不知道他们会不会属于可操作角色就是了。开发 …

7.戈罗镍矿国际镍业公司(IncoLtd.)已经决定为位于新喀里多尼亚岛上的戈罗镍矿(Goro)项目提供25年的电力供应。根据协议,新喀里 …

8.戈洛Vale Inco公司( 法属喀里多尼亚)提炼和加工戈洛(Goro)高原的镍和钴矿,该矿床是世界上储量最大的镍钴矿之一。该工厂每 …


1.Goro-Goro is apparently the passage of Planet X, the pole shift, and the increasing Earth changes to affpct Java preceding the last weeks.很明显是指行星X的过境和极移,以及最后几周之前地球变化增加,使爪哇遭受了灾难。

2.Though I think the dragons of my Earthsea are more beautiful, I admire the noble way Goro's dragons fold their wings.虽然我认为在我地海中的龙更加美丽,我仍欣赏吾朗的龙摺叠它们翅膀时的高贵方式。

3.Goro Watanable is leaving for the United States and wants tobuy some American dollars before he goes .渡边五郎准备前往美国,想在临走前买些美元。

4.I had a very moving letter from him, and later one from Mr Goro.从他那里我收到一封非常动人的信,稍后又收到一封来自吾朗先生的。

5.New fpght paths can be found at Ratchet and Marshall's Refuge, Un'Goro Crater.在棘齿城和安戈洛环形山的马绍尔营地增加了新的飞行点。

6.Goro now returns, announcing the arrival of Butterfly and her companions.五郎回来了,报告大家蝴蝶和女伴们来到。

7.Physical or mental harm, Goro Stephen ETA has never yield to evil forces.身心受创,戈罗斯蒂埃塔却绝不向恶势力屈服。

8.But the government's attitude comes close to denial; it will not help the people of Goro Gutu.但埃政府对此基本持否认态度,这并不有利于为GoroGutu人民解困。

9.The main products of Shanghai GORO: completed series of conveyor belt fasteners and the fixing tools;公司主要产品有:全系列输送带连接带扣和订扣装备;