


美式发音: 英式发音: ['væljuːd]









v.1.The past tense and past participle of value

1.尊重 Obpgate( 感恩) Valued( 尊重) xcuse( 宽恕) ...

2.有价值的 scorer (进球得分的)运动员 valued 有价值的 in the history of 在、、、历史上 ...

3.贵重的 special----- 特别的 valued------- 贵重的 worthy------- 有价值的 ...

4.重要的 medium 媒介方式 valued 珍视的,重要的 paints a picture 描绘 ...

5.经估价的 valued 定价的有价值的 valued 经估价的 valve gear 阀装置 ...

6.尊贵的 童装:嘟乐宝 (Du Bao Le) Valued 意为:尊贵的 PEA: 豌豆,豌豆荚,豆子。 ...

7.宝贵的 car n. 小汽车 266 valued a. 宝贵的 过去分词 valuing n. 价值 名词 ...

8.尊重的 ... sailboat n. 帆船 valued adj. 经估价的, 贵重的, 尊贵的, 尊重的, 宝贵的 narrator narratorn. 讲述者,叙述者 ...


1.Thailand is a major non-NATO security ally of the United States in a critical and highly valued partnership, he said.怀尔德说,泰国是美国在安全事务方面非北约系统的主要盟国,相互间的夥伴关系至关重要,具有重大意义。

2.In particular, land is often valued on their books at well below market prices.很特别的一点就是,土地在他们的帐簿上受到的重视仅次于市场股价。

3.The reason embryonic stem cells are valued by scientists is that the cells' descendants can turn into any other sort of body cell.科学家们认为胚胎干细胞有价值是因为,胚胎干细胞可以发育成为任何其他种类的体细胞。

4.Education had been a lucky break for her, in a time of uncertainty, and she valued it above all things.这一段教育经历对我阿嫲来说,是在那几年社会动荡的日子里一段幸运的小插曲,她无比珍惜这段经历。

5.Specifies the name of a column in a table, view, or table-valued function on which the permission is being granted.指定表、视图或表值函数中要授予对其权限的列的名称。

6.And is primarily used for the temporary storage of a set of rows that are returned as the result set of a table-valued function.主要用于临时存储作为表值函数结果集返回的行集。

7.He seemed to me a man who valued human relationship and he showed toward me a real interest and understanding. ''在我看来,他珍惜人与人之间的关系,对我真的感兴趣并且能够理解。

8.set by this title was not difficult to see that the title is actually a stand portal Baidu is the search engine was very valued position.通过这个标题得设置我们不难看出一个站得标题其实就是门户,也是百度搜索引擎十分看重得位置。

9.Hopefully they know how much their hard work and dedication has been valued by our entire community over the years.希望他们知道多少其硬盘工作,并且它已被年值通过我们的整个社区成员。

10.This time being late is usually considered offensive, and gives the impression that the other person is not valued.这种迟到的行为通常会冒犯别人,给人留下不尊重别人的印象。