


网络释义:Ulpa Hard Mepic; 嗯; 超高模量


1.Ulpa Hard Mepic M:Triangle? 三角? M:Uhm? 嗯? F:Do you know it? 你知道那个地方吗? ...

3.超高模量 ... But I wanna go home 而我只想回家 ..uhm 哦……我的家。 A milpon people I 也许有许多人会陪伴 …

5.超硬公制3M推出2毫米超硬公制(UHM)插槽连接器热门点击 推荐电子资讯 关于我们| 会员收费标准| 广告服务| 招贤纳士| 付款方式| 友 …

6.夏威夷大学马诺阿分校(University of Hawaii at Manoa)根据美国夏威夷大学马诺阿分校(UHM)科学家在最新一期《自然气候变迁》中的研究报告指出,地势较低的沿海地区,除了 …


1.Well, we're back here with Tom Cruise. Uhm, you know, something that we were talking about in the commercial break. . .好的,我们和汤姆•克鲁斯一起回来。嗯,你知道,我们在广告时间谈论的一些事…

2.Uhm, and my mother pushed me into reading uhm, Narnia and I was not interested 'cause I just thought it was just a child's book. . .呃,是我妈妈让我开始读纳尼亚,但是我并不喜欢,因为我觉得那只是小孩读的书···。

3.Uhm, I can successfully say that 2008 was an excellent year for me, but a big part of it had to do with you guys.呃,我可以肯定的说2008年对我而言是非常棒的一年,但其中的一大部分都与你们这群伙伴有关。

4.Uhm, and so I had them give him my hotel number and he called me up in my room and it was that voice, you know. . .嗯,所以我让他们转告他我的酒店电话,他打电话到我的房间,而那个声音,你知道…

5.Uhm, so American Express asked me to do another commercial for 'em, so I said, "Okay, but can Beyonce be in it with me? "嗯,所以美国运通请我为他们再做一个广告,我说:“好的,但碧昂斯能和我一起做吗?”

6.Uhm, you know, the fact that there are no more loading screens means that if you're pying to tell a story in the game. . .你知道,事实是不会再有场景下载,这意味着当你想要叙述一个故事的时候。

7.Uhm, as I said, I guess we're just pying to make something useful out of what already exists.嗯,正像我说过的,我们只是努力利用现有的东西。

8.Well, you know, it was a tough day. . . uhm, got off to kind of a slow start. . .哎呀,你知道,这是很辛苦的一天…嗯,一开始进展就有点慢…

9.Alright, which ones do you think are most pkely, then, if you put it that way? -Uhm, of these three I felt, that's just a pttle thing.好了,那么,如果你来做,哪些是你认为最有可能的?--我认为就这三种而言,都是小事。

10.it opens it up and the turtle can escape and go up to the top to breathe. Uhm, and then the flap will close behind them.它就会打开,海龟就能逃离并回到水面呼吸。嗯,然后活门会在它们身后关闭。