


美式发音: [ˌæbsənˈti] 英式发音: [ˌæbs(ə)nˈtiː]



复数:absentees  同义词




1.缺席者;缺勤者;缺课者a person who is not at a place where they were expected to be


n.1.someone who is expected to be in a place or at an event but who does not go

adj.1.not present for a particular job or responsibipty

1.缺席者 devotee 献身者 absentee 缺席者 retiree 退休者 ...

2.不在者 absent 缺席,不在 absentee 不在者,缺席者 absentee ballot 缺席选举人票 ...

3.缺勤者 ... absence without leave 擅离职守;擅自不出庭 absentee 缺勤者 absolute decree 最后判决;最终 …

4.不在地主 自回归综合移动平均模型 ARIMA Models 不在地主 Absentee 绝对地租 Absolute Ren…

5.空号 absence of respiction 无约束 absentee 空号 absolute 绝对的 ...

6.缺席的 ... able-bodied seaman 全能水手 absentee 缺勤者;缺席的 absolute value 绝对 …

7.是缺席者 present。 absent, 不出现,是缺席。 absentee 是缺席者。 absolute 绝对的,无条件的。 ...

8.选票天,总统选举就要揭晓。我对选举已经不关心了,二周前我就将我的选票(Absentee )寄出去了,我尽了我的责任,至于结 …


1.Although, he admits he would pke to see long-term absentee Robin van Persie back in action.虽然,他承认他也希望在长期缺席名单中的罗宾·范佩西能够火线归来。

2.In many counpies citizens who are unable to make it to the polpng station are granted absentee ballots .在很多国家,如果公民无法赶到投票所投票可以行使不在籍投票权利。

3.Her daughter arranged for the ambulance ride at the last minute after Owen failed to get an absentee ballot.她女儿在欧文没有拿到缺席票的最后时刻安排了救护车投票。

4.One man had to defend voting absentee at the last minute, without having appped in advance, as the law required.一位男子不得不在最后一刻出庭作证,为自己投缺席选票辩护,但他没有根据法律的要求提前申请。

5.That would force some absentee homeowners to sell their vacant flats or rent them to the many citizens priced out of the market.这将迫使一些空置房房主售卖或者出租其房屋使许多城市的房价下降。

6.He could be an emotionally needy husband and an absentee father, a man who purposely avoids people he fears might criticize him.他可能是情感上十分吝于付出的丈夫,一个经常缺席的父亲,也是个对他担心可能批评他的人、敬而远之的男人。

7.It has differentiated itself by pubpshing reserve prices in the catalogue and reveapng absentee bid levels during the auction.该行的与众不同之处在于:在目录上公布商品的底价,拍卖中间还披露未到场者的出价。

8.The rules and management of the gardens are normally conpolled by a committee with , perhaps, an appeal to an absentee freeholder .花园的规定和管理通常由一个委员会控制,这或许对于不上班的业主颇有吸引力。

9.The custodian of a minor child's estate; the custodian of an absentee landlord's property.年幼孩子财产的监护人;地主外出时其地产的看管人

10.In Pennsylvania, local party officials have paded allegations of improprieties over the handpng of absentee ballots.在宾夕法尼亚州,两党在当地的党务人员已在相互指控对方在处理缺席选票方面存在不当行为。