


美式发音: [ˌsaɪəˈnɑrə] 英式发音: [ˌsaɪəˈnɑːrə]





int.1.the Japanese word forgoodbye

1.樱花恋 Witness for the Prosecution 控方证人 Sayonara 樱花恋 Peyton Place 冷暖人间 12 ...

2.再见 sashimi: 生鱼片 sayonara : 再见 bamboo : 竹子 ...

3.莎呦娜拉 I m Easy 我不在乎 Sayonara 莎呦娜拉 (再见) Take My Breath Away 让我无法呼吸 ...

4.莎呦娜啦再见 ... 3.out Here On My Own( 只有我自己) 2.sayonara( 莎呦娜啦再见) 1.somewhere In Time( 似曾相识) ...

5.源自日语 Auf wiedersehen. 源自德语 Sayonara. 源自日语 So Long. 源自印度语 ...

6.塞欧纳拉 ... - 1958 - Young Lions - 幼狮 - 1957 - Sayonara - 塞欧纳拉 - 1956 - Teahouse of the August Moon - 八月月光茶室 ...

7.莎哟娜啦 Lionel Richie 莱纳李奇 Sayonara 莎哟娜啦 Scarborough fair 史卡博罗市集* ...

8.再会 Soleado 哀愁的索雷亚德 Sayonara 再会 Goodbye My Love Goodbye 再见我的爱人 ...


1.When I switch to an iPhone with that bigger screen, I will be able to say "sayonara" to my laptop even more.当我转到有大屏幕的iPhone上时,我可以向我的笔记本电脑或其他说sayonara(日语:再见)。

2."Unfortunately, sayonara, " she said, directing Dr. Merianos to begin cutting.“真不幸,再见吧,”她说,并指导梅里亚诺斯医生开始切除坏死小肠。

3."Sayonara, " cried he, as, with a tear in his eye, he walked away; for that is the Japanese for "good-bye. "他的眼里含着泪水,喊了一声“沙扬娜拉”,离开了;在日语里,那就是“再见”的意思。

4.About three years after my debut, I starred in a film by Nobuo Nakagawa called Kogen no Eki yo Sayonara.大概在我出道三年后,和导演中川信夫合作过一部片子。

5."Sayonara, " croaked Mrs. Frog and the whole family of young frogs in a chorus.“沙扬娜拉,”青蛙夫人带着所有的小青蛙齐声呱呱道别。

6.So sayonara, py tomorrow, nice to know ya.所以再见,试着明天,很高兴能得知如此。

7.Are you tired of getting sweaty palms and butterfpes in your stomach in social situations? Use this guide to say sayonara to shyness.你讨厌了在社交场合总是手心冒汗,心里扑腾扑腾乱跳?按下面的指导去做来克服害羞。

8.Rob Reiner's rites-of-passage drama is a bittersweet sayonara to the Huck Finn pfestyle;莱纳的人生仪式性剧本是对哈克·费恩生活方式苦乐参半的挥别;