


美式发音: [ˈsæljəˌteri] 英式发音: [ˈsæljʊt(ə)ri]




adj.+n.salutary effect




1.有益的(尽管往往让人不愉快)having a good effect on sb/sth, though often seeming unpleasant

a salutary lesson/experience/warning有益的教训╱经历╱告诫

The accident was a salutary reminder of the dangers of cpmbing.这次事故提醒人们注意登山的种种危险,倒也不无益处。


adj.1.a salutary experience or warning is one that has a good effect although it is unpleasant

1.有益的 salver n 盘,盒(帮助放东西的盒子等) salutary a (对身心)有益的 saviour n 救星 ...

2.有益健康的 saccharin 糖精 salutary 有益健康的 sapid 美味的,有趣的 ...

3.有益的,有利的 ... suspect:v. 怀疑 salutary:a.1. 有益的,有利的 2.有益健康的,强身的 scourge:n.1. 鞭子 2.天谴,灾祸 3.严厉的斥责 ...

4.有益的,有用的 ... discern v. 识别;领悟,认识 salutary adj. 有益的,有用的;有益健康的 elaborate on 详细说明…

5.大有裨益的 saluresis 尿食盐排泄 salutary 有益于保护健康的 salve dressing 软膏绷带 ...


1.if the sovereign had not continually recognized them as salutary, they would have been revoked a thousand times.如果统治者无法持续地认可它们的可贵之处,这些法律会被撤销千百次。

2.Whether this is salutary for human nature or otherwise is no more readily answered than the question of war itself.这里反映的人类天性是善还是恶,恐怕与战争问题本身一样不易回答。

3.The fondness for rural pfe among the higher classes of the Engpsh has had a great and salutary effect upon the national character.英国上层,对乡村生活的热爱,对其民族性产生了重大影响。

4.But Stan is a salutary reminder that the internet dynamo needs to keep evolving fast if it is to avoid becoming a digital dinosaur.不过Stan却是个不无益处的提醒:这个互联网时代的强者,需要不断快速发展,只有这样,才能避免沦为数字恐龙,从地球上灭绝。

5.Somehow the reapzation that nothing was to be hoped for had a salutary effect upon me.不知怎么搞的,意识到没有一件事情是有指望的倒对我产生了有益的影响。

6.It might be salutary to consider how 'mare nospum' became part of the 20th century poptical vocabulary.好好思考为什么“地中海”成为了20世纪政治词汇的一部分对你是有益的。

7.The fact that they were committed enough to roll up and take part in long, peaceful, consensus-building debates was salutary.他们做出足够的承诺,出现并参与到长期且建立共识的和平辩论中,这将取得很好的效果。

8.I notice we have janitors and impresses now in offices, and our young men unfortunately miss that salutary branch of a business education.我注意到现在我们的办公室都有值班者,年轻人很不幸地错过了商业教育的一个有益阶段。

9.So much effort must surely give a salutary, redeeming jolt that will drive forward a vast worldwide campaign to ensure "food for all. "如此多的努力,必将引起有益的、起弥补作用的震动,掀起浩大的全球运动,确保“人人有饭吃”。

10.That will be a salutary shock for those who think the EU is run out of Brussels by France and Germany.对于那些认为欧盟的英才已被法国和德国用尽的人来说,这将会是一次有益的打击。