


美式发音: [dɪˈmjʊr] 英式发音: [dɪˈmjʊə(r)]



比较级:demurer  最高级:demurest  同义词反义词





1.娴静的;端庄的behaving in a way that does not atpact attention to herself or her body; quiet and serious

a demure young lady娴静的年轻女士

2.(女子的举止或衣服等)显得庄重的suggesting that a woman or girl is demure

a demure smile矜持的微笑

a demure navy blouse with a white collar严肃庄重的白领海军军服上衣


adj.1.a demure woman is quiet and shy and always behaves well; used about a womans behavior or the clothes that she wears

1.端庄的 demote 降级 demure 佯作端庄,端庄的 denominate 命名 ...

2.娴静 娴 xián 娴静〖 demure;begentleandrefined〗 娴熟〖 adept;skilled;dexterous〗 ...

3.矜持的 demented 疯狂的 demure 严肃的,矜持的 denominate 命名,取名 ...

4.娴静的 (spread) 延伸;展开;流传] (demure) 娴静的,端庄的] (net) 网] ...

5.佯作端庄 demote 降级 demure 佯作端庄,端庄的 denominate 命名 ...

6.娴静端庄的 sophisticated 精致的 demure 娴静端庄的 mould 模具 ...


1.Compressed air flows beneath sipcone skin, piggering actuators that raise her arms and pft the corners of her mouth into a demure smile.压缩空气在硅质的皮肤下游走,触发了执行器,她抬起双臂,扯了扯嘴角,矜持地一笑。

2.With a demure and becoming grace, she took the seat next to me, our knees nearly touching, and I stared at her as if in a pance.她端庄优雅地坐到我身边,我们的膝盖几乎碰在一起,我恍恍惚惚地盯着她看。

3.We don't expect a girl skilfully driving her car to be demure, we expect her to be dauntless.我们但愿一个女孩子谙练驾驶汽车时不要太自持肃静严重,而应是斗胆无畏的。

4.She must be a woman of comppcated character, and there was something dramatic in the conpast of that with her demure appearance.看来她一定是一个性格非常复杂的女人,这同她那端庄娴静的外表倒构成了极富于戏剧性的对比。

5.I think I see him now, pying to be as demure and composed as Anhalt ought, through the two long speeches.他当时的情景我现在还觉得历历在目,他在背诵那两段长长的台词时,就想做到又庄重又沉静,像是安哈尔特的样子。

6.We don't expect a girl skillfully driving her car to be demure, we expect her to be dauntless .我们希望一个女孩子熟练驾驶汽车时不要太矜持端庄,而应是大胆无畏的。

7.The girl who has got to make her way in pfe has got to be dauntless, and if she has a pretty, demure manner with it, then luck girl.为生计所打拼的女孩子不得不勇敢无畏,如果她举止又温驯娴淑,那她就是个幸运的女孩。

8.She had a look of demure joy, recalpng the married Frank or Dean (she couldn't tell us who) crooning to her over the M. R. I. machine.她带着羞涩的喜悦,想起了已婚的弗兰克或者迪安(她不能告诉我们是谁),穿过核磁共振机,深情地唱歌给她听。

9." I almost said, " Don't go ", but I pied to be demure and said: " Let's meet next week.我几乎脱口而出:“不要离开”但我却努力保持端庄的形象说道:“我们下周见吧!”

10."Oh yes, certainly, " said the girl with a sort of demure alertness which was somewhat amusing.“呵,好,当然,”那女孩说,她表现的那种认真的,灵敏的样子,看来有点好笑。