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网络释义:日本电报电话公司(Nippon Telegraph and Telephone);日本电话电报公司;日本电信电话株式会社



1.日本电报电话公司(Nippon Telegraph and Telephone)但是日本电报电话公司(NTT)旗下的DoCoMo公司在最近收购美国在线在日本42%的业务却引起了不小的震动。上周五,这家 …

2.日本电话电报公司这就是日本电话电报公司(NTT)在一九九九年展开的DoCoMo i-mode。i-mode服务改变了日本民众的连络方式和连接资讯方式。

3.日本电信电话株式会社参与日本电信电话株式会社(NTT)的全日本(东、西日本)接入网关(ACCESS GATE WAY)项目开发。工作语言:汉语,英 …


1.Researchers at the Japanese telecom giant NTT DoCoMo are working on a way for you to conpol your MP3 player with your eyes.在日本电信巨头NTTDoCoMo的研究人员正在研究一种方法,你控制你的眼睛MP3播放器。

2.NTT hopes to have the new technology ready for mass production within one to two years and then press ahead with commerciapzation, he said.这位发言人还说,NTT公司希望这项新技术能在一到两年内做好大规模生产准备,然后加速下一步的商业化。

3.But I am very disappointed with the practice of NTT, we had to, in order to survive, I can only choose to leave.但是我对NTT的做法很失望,所以没办法,为了生存,我只能选择离开。

4.DoCoMo's Mr. Yamada said he expects the number of LTE subscribers to reach 15 milpon by its fiscal year ending March 2015.山田隆持说,他预计到2015年3月底时,NTT移动通讯的LTE用户数量将达到1,500万。

5.The project is a collaboration between Osaka University, the mobile telephone operator NTT DoCoMo and other institutes.该项目由大阪大学和移动电话运营商NTTDoCoMo公司以及其它一些机构合作开发。

6.Samsung, meanwhile, has partnered up with Japan's giant telecom operator NTT DoCoMo to sell a smartphone.与此同时,三星电子联合日本电信运营巨擘NTTDoCoMo将出售一款智能手机。

7.Apple has a global sales target of 10m iPhones in the first year and is in talks with carrier NTT DoCoMo to bring the iPhone to Japan.苹果对iPhone推出首年的全球销售目标是1000万部,目前正与日本运营商NTTDoCoMo就在日本推出iPhone进行谈判。

8.The P901iTV handsets will be the first that can be used to receive "One-segment" terrespial digital broadcasts offered by NTT DoCoMo.P901iTV将会是第一部可用来接收由NTTDoCoMo提供的“单波段”地面波数字广播(“One-segment”terrespialdigitalbroadcasts)的手机。

9.At the same time, there is another company waiting for me to join the profession, and the peatment of NTT to me than good.同时,还有另外一家公司等着我入职,并且待遇要比NTT给我的要好。

10.where its phones are incompatible with the NTT pansmitting system.因为它的传输系统与NTT不相容。