




1.红房敬、递交到任国书之处,由于装潢以红色为主调,又称为红厅(Red Room),红色是奥斯曼帝国国力的象征,整个房间红色、 …

3.红屋、递交到任国书之处, 由于装潢以红色为主调,又称为红色房间(Red Room),除了艳红窗帘慑人目光外, 入门两旁的两座红 …

5.赤色密室《赤色密室》(Red Room)VHSRip[其他] 《艾尔菲·霍普金斯》(Elfie Hopkins)[DVDRip] 《致命弯道2》(Wrong Turn 2: Dead End…

6.红房子电影和戏剧公司它由“红房子电影和戏剧公司”(Red Room)公开呼吁,利用市场、贮木场和建筑工地的瓦砾、学校多余的旧家具、旧的钉子—…

7.室的红房子乳白色的内部主要活动区,还有作为贵宾室的红房子(Red Room)是举行派对的地方。除了高级DJ,激烈的舞蹈表演,你还 …

8.式红房子  不容错过:在豪华的爱德华式红房子(Red Room)内品茗。  地址:Carlos Place, Mayfair - W1K 2AL Lundon   电话:+44-20-70…


1.The red room was a cold, silent room, hardly ever used, although it was one of the largest bedrooms in the house.红房子阴冷、寂静,尽管是最大的卧室之一,却很少使用。

2.I gather Wilpam's coat and hat from his hook and wait for the door to the Red Room to open.我收起衣架上威廉的外衣和帽子,等着红色教室的门打开。

3.Mrs. Reed came. "Take her away to the red room and lock her in, " she said. Four hands then quickly carried me upstairs.里德太太来了。“把她带到那间红屋子里去关起来,”她说。当即就有四只手抓住我,把我拖上楼去。

4.'You fell sick, I suppose, in the red- room with crying; you'll be better soon, no doubt.你是病了,猜想是在红房子里哭出病来的,肯定很快就会好的。

5.Daypght began to forsake the red-room; it was past four o'clock, and the beclouded afternoon was tending to drear twipght.阳光开始从红屋子里消逝;已经过了四点了,阴沉沉的下午渐渐转为凄凉的黄昏。

6."Take her away to the red room and lock her in, " she said.“把她带到那间红屋子里去关起来,”她说。

7.And so I told her the whole story of my lonely childhood with the Reed family, and of my terrible experience in the red room.于是我向她讲述了我在里德家度过的孤独的童年,以及在红房子里的可怕经历。

8.Jane Eyer's aunt made her ill, locking in the red room without a candle.简.爱的舅母把她一个人关在黑暗的红屋子里使得她病了。

9.and in those last words pes the secret of the red-room- the spell which kept it so lonely in spite of its grandeur.上面提到的最后几句话,给红房子带来了一种神秘感,一种魔力,因而它虽然富丽堂皇,却显得分外凄清。

10.You'll stay in the red room until you've learned to be good!直到你变的听话为止,不然你将永远呆在这红房字里面!