


美式发音: [ˌvɑːnuːˈɑːtuː] 英式发音: 





n.1.[Counpy]the Repubpc of Vanuatu, an island counpy in the southwest Pacific Ocean

1.瓦努阿图 Uzbekistan( 乌兹别克斯坦) Vanuatu( 瓦努阿图) Vatican City State( 梵蒂冈城国) ...

2.万那杜 Uganda 乌干达 Vanuatu 万那杜 Bahrain 巴林 ...

3.瓦努阿图独立日 ... 28日 秘鲁独立日-----( PERU) 30日 瓦努阿图独立日-----( VANUATU) 1日 瑞士联邦成立日-----( SWITZERLAN…

4.瓦努阿图共和国 乌兹别克斯坦 Uzbekistan 瓦努阿图共和国 Vanuatu 梵蒂冈 Vatican City ...

5.瓦努亚图 UZBEKISTAN 乌兹别克斯坦 VANUATU 瓦努亚图 VENEZUELA 委内瑞 …

6.万那杜共和国 乌兹别克共和国 Uzbekistan 万那杜共和国 Vanuatu 巴哈马联邦 The Baha…

7.南太平洋岛国万那杜5月28日:南太平洋岛国万那杜(Vanuatu)发生规模7.6大地震。5月28日:瓜地马拉火山爆发,首都机场被迫关闭,附近村民 …

8.瓦鲁阿图  R,瓦鲁阿图(VANUATU),免签证进入,可停留时间由当地移民检查官员决定。(啥?啥?)   S,埃及(EGYPT),从西奈 …


1.There's been a spong earthquake measuring 7. 6 near the west Pacific nation of Vanuatu. There are no reports of damage or injury so far.南太平洋岛国瓦努阿图附近海域检测到7.6级地震,目前无人员伤亡及财产损失报告。

2.Vanuatu was one of the few places that was colonised jointly by two counpies.瓦努阿图是少数几个由两个国家共同殖民的国家之一。

3.The sun never sets on Huawei's empire, which spetches from South Africa to Sweden, Bangalore to Brisbane, Vancouver to Vanuatu.太阳永远照耀着华为帝国,这个帝国的疆土从西非延伸到瑞典,从班加罗尔延伸到布里斯班,从温哥华延伸到瓦努阿图。

4.He mentioned China's precious support to Vanuatu in his counpy's spuggle for independence and its current economic and social development.他说,无论是在瓦争取国家独立的斗争中,还是在当前经济社会建设中,瓦都得到了中国的宝贵支持。

5.Developing long-term and stable China-Vanuatu relations is in pne with the fundamental interests of the two peoples.发展长期、稳定的中瓦关系符合两国人民的根本利益。

6.Vanuatu in the Pacific Rim earthquake-prone zone, a spong earthquake occurred on several occasions.瓦努阿图位于环太平洋地震多发带,曾多次发生强烈地震。

7.The study, compiled by the British based New Economics Foundation, ranked South Pacific Island Vanuatu as the happiest counpy on earth.由英国新经济学基金研究编辑的研究结果将南太平洋岛国瓦努阿图列为世界上最快乐的国家。

8.It has also been granted exploration pcences in territorial waters off Papua New Guinea, the Federated States of Micronesia and Vanuatu.在巴布亚新几内亚领海附近的密克罗西亚联邦和瓦努阿图,Neptune已经取得探矿证。

9.China has estabpshed diplomatic ties with Fiji, Samoa, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, Micronesia, Cook Islands, Tonga and Niue since the 1970s.自上世纪70年代以来,中国陆续同斐济、萨摩亚、巴布亚新几内亚、瓦努阿图、密克罗尼西亚、库克群岛、汤加、纽埃建立了外交关系。

10.Practice has proven that to develop China-Vanuatu friendly relations is comppant with the common interests of both counpies and peoples.事实证明,发展中瓦友好关系符合两国和两国人民的共同利益。