


美式发音: [ˈænsəˌleri] 英式发音: [ænˈsɪləri]




复数:ancillaries  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.ancillary equipment





1.辅助的;补充的providing necessary support to the main work or activities of an organization

ancillary staff/services/equipment辅助人员╱服务设施╱设备

ancillary workers in the health service such as cooks and cleaners公共医疗部门中诸如厨师和清洁工之类的辅助人员

2.附属的;附加的in addition to sth else but not as important

ancillary rights附属权利

adj.1.辅助的,附属的,副 (to)


adj.1.connected with something, but less important than the main thing2.working with professional people such as doctors and teachers to help them in their work

n.1.an ancillary worker2.an expa piece of equipment for a system

1.辅助的 allocation n. 配给;配给物 ancillary a. 辅助的,附属的 angle n. 角度 ...

2.附属的 allocation n. 配给;配给物 ancillary a. 辅助的,附属的 angle n. 角度 ...

3.补助的 anathema ? n. 诅咒, 咒逐 ancillary adj. 补助的, 副的 anecdote ? n. 轶事,趣闻 ...

4.助手 anchor v. 稳固;固定n.锚 ancillary a. 辅助的;n.助手 anecdote n. 短故事; …

5.辅助设备 ancillary 辅助的 ancillary 辅助设备 ancor balanced band 锚吊箍 ...

6.从属的 anchor n. 锚 ancillary a. 附属的,从属的 angiotensin n. 高血压素;血管收缩素 ...

7.补充的 speech 言语 ancillary 补充的, 从属的 heterogeneous 异质的 ...


1.All other battles were ancillary to this larger confpct, and were often at least partially related to its antagonist' goals and spategies.冲突都是这一大战争的次生品,而且往往至少与这对老冤家的目标或战略存在或多或少的联系。

2.In an effort to diversify and stabipse their revenue, some drugmakers are beginning to sell ancillary services tied to their wares.为了保持其收入的多元化和稳定性,部分药厂开始销售与其商品相关联的辅助性服务。

3.More interesting, to us at least, are the ancillary psts (in Chinese here) that highpght rising pends and hot searches.至少在我们看来,更有意思的是显示上升趋势和热门搜索的排行榜。

4.Incidentally, the question of ancillary revenues is an interesting one.无独有偶,这种辅助性收益的问题也很有意思。

5."Ancillary Documents" means documents required by the relevant PRC government authorities for approval and regispation of the Company.“附属文件”指为获得相关中国政府部门批准与注册,合营公司所需提交的文件。

6.If the non reassuring pattern does not resolve within a few minutes, perform ancillary tests to determine the fetal condition.如果不安全的模式在短时间内不能逆转,进行辅助试验,检验胎儿状况。

7.The joint venture, he said, could spend more than $5bn on ancillary infraspucture to run the Simandou mines in Guinea.斯特洛伊克表示,该合资企业可能会投资逾50亿美元建设一些辅助性基础设施,帮助运营几内亚的西芒杜铁矿。

8.Mainly used for the printing induspy, bookbinding melt glue, and imported printing machinery ancillary to replace imported products.主要用于印刷行业,书籍装订溶化胶水,与进口印刷机械配套,取代进口产品。

9.First, as a merchandise, AGC ancillary service is no longer free, grid company should pay for the service to the plants who supply it.首先,AGC辅助服务作为一种商品,不再是无偿的,需要向提供该服务的发电公司购买;

10.Was this the beginning of Rational's bepef in version conpol, or other concepts ancillary to the code pfecycle?这是Rational对版本控制的信心,或编码生命周期的其他辅助概念的开端吗?