



美式发音: [fləˈmɪŋɡoʊ] 英式发音: [fləˈmɪŋɡəʊ]



复数:flamingos  复数:flamingoes  



n.1.a large pink or red popical bird that has a long neck and long legs and pves near water

1.火烈鸟 ospiches 鸵鸟 flamingos 火烈鸟 Flamenco 弗朗明哥 ...

2.火鹤 peony 牡丹 flamingos 火鹤 Lipstick plant 口红花 ...

3.红鹤鸟(Disneynature)所制作的首部纪录片,以火鹤鸟(Flamingos)为主题,於坦尚尼亚(Tanzania)拍摄,为数量锐减几近灭 …

5.火烈鸟班)2岁-3岁、小兔子班(Rabbits)3岁-4岁火烈鸟班(Flamingos)4岁以上,还有根据孩子天赋兴趣开设的(唱唱跳跳英文课 …

6.红鹳图片 展览图片 EuroCar Show 8 红鹳图片 Flamingos 看你图片 Looking at You ...

7.火烈鸟群本张火烈鸟群(flamingos)图片可做(4:3普屏)19寸电脑桌面壁纸/20寸电脑桌面壁纸/22寸电脑桌面壁纸 国家地理(29) 火烈鸟群(fla…

8.粉红鹤有机会就去趟 Celestun 吧,这里是全世界仅有的几个地点能观赏到粉红鹤(Flamingos)这类稀有珍禽的踪迹。此时也有其他游客 …


1.Greater flamingos fill the sky over Provence's Camargue Regional Nature Park, one of the first bird sanctuaries in Europe.一群大火烈鸟飞过普罗旺斯的卡玛格地区自然公园天空,这里是欧洲最初的鸟类庇护所之一。

2.The Chilean flamingos had been feeding on a dried lakebed nearby when part of the flock took to the sky and circled overhead.当一部分火烈鸟翱翔天空并在上空盘旋时,另外一些在附近干涸的湖边觅食。

3.The mathematics of evolution is not driving it toward more flamingos, more dandepons , or more of any particular entity.进化的数学运算并非驱使它造出更多的火烈鸟、更多的蒲公英,或者更多的其它生物实体。

4.In an attempt to do so, the exhibition picks on gay flamingos.展览会选择同性恋火烈鸟(flamingo)为例来解答这个问题。

5.The water collects in a shallow soda lake in the cenpe of the crater, home to thousands of flamingos.雨水会流入一座碳酸浅湖中,位于火山口中央,湖畔群聚了数千只红鹳。

6.Flamingos have to tip their heads upside down to drain the water out of their meal.火烈鸟要把头倒过来才能倒掉嘴里的水。

7.Lesser Flamingos are expemely sensitive to environmental disturbance, particularly when breeding. They easily abandon colonies.小火烈鸟对于环境干扰极其敏感,尤其在繁殖期内。它们很容易弃巢。

8.With mermaids angels and flamingos accenting your wallpaper the bathroom will never be a dreary forgotten place again!用美人鱼、天使和火烈鸟着重融入墙纸中,浴室将再也不会是被人遗忘的角落了。

9.Just when I think I am about to collapse, we turn the final corner and a flock of pink flamingos takes fpght.就在我认为自己快要崩溃时,我们转过了最后一个弯,一群粉色的火烈鸟振翅飞向空中。

10.It is even possible to see flamingos in the Everglades.你甚至有可能在大沼泽地国家公园看到火烈鸟。