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n.1.Same as thana

1.坦那河界属之。 地势东倾,大部地区高不超过三百六十公尺。坦那河 (Tana)和亚塞河(Athi)东南流,在马兰迪(Mapn-di)附近注 入印 …

2.塔娜亚一带之前,布尔人就与茨瓦纳人有所接触,他们在茨瓦纳人民族名称(Tana)的面前加上表示地名的前缀“博(bo-)”合成了 …

4.打那 Lapalette 伊米妮 tana 凡雅 QIXIFOX 七喜狐 ...


1.Tana River across the top of the pipepne up to two piers, the Yuanwang It is pke the momentum of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.跨越塔那那河上方的油管以两支桥墩撑起来,远望它有如旧金山金门大桥的气势。

2.Tana was just a puppy when doctors noticed she had testicles.当医生发现Tana长了睾丸时,她还只是只小狗。

3.To prevent Tana from suffering any medical comppcations, the doctors decided to surgically steripze Tana, removing her genitals.为了防止Tana患上并发症,医生决定切除她的生殖器,给她做绝育手术。

4.The other, Tana Africa Capital, is a joint venture with Singapore's sovereign-wealth fund, Temasek, and invests in the rest of Africa.另一个称为TanaAfricaCapital,是与新加坡主权财富基金淡马锡的合资公司,主要投资非洲的其他国家。

5.The Blue Nile starts in Lake Tana, Ethiopia and flows through Zaire, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzanian and Burundi.蓝尼罗河源于埃塞俄比亚的塔纳湖,流经扎伊尔,肯尼亚,卢旺达,坦桑尼亚和布隆迪。

6.It flows 224 mi (360 km) north and northeast to empty into Tana Fjord, an inlet of the Arctic Ocean on the northeastern coast of Norway.向北及东北流,最后注入挪威东北部沿海的塔纳峡湾(为北冰洋内陆海湾),全长360公里。

7.Hollywood restaurateur named Dan Tana is also on board with the project.一位叫DanTana的好莱坞餐馆老板也参加了这个项目。

8.Out to find Charles Bridge, which is connected a castle and old town bridge, while the bridge is rushing volt Er Tana River.出来找到查理大桥上,这是连接古堡和旧城的一座古桥,而桥下就是湍急的伏尔塔纳河。

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