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网络释义:Short-Winding Protection; 安全工作压力(safe working pressure); 单线协议(Single Wire Protocol)


abbr.1.Sociapst Workers Party

1.Short-Winding Protection sword 剑;武力;屠杀 SWP 安全工作压力 SWPS 沉没式井口平台系统 ...

3.单线协议(Single Wire Protocol)1) 全新的单线协议(SWP)IP设计实现,以支持最新的NFC移动支付架构,芯片实际测试SWP的传输速率为1.33Mbps; 2) 丰富 …


1.SWP Higher Diploma in Business is an international accredited course.SWP工商管理高级文凭课程被受国际认可。

2.This artical researched a subsystem about near field communication, named SWP interface between NFC chip and SIM card.本课题研究了近距离通信系统中的一个子系统,即NFC芯片与SIM卡之间的SWP接口。

3.At Portsmouth, we counter attacked having Malouda, SWP, Joe Cole and Anelka making quick runs resulting in the goal.对阵朴茨茅斯,凭借马卢达、小赖特、乔科尔和阿内尔卡的快速奔跑,最终导致进球。

4.SWP-630 Plastic Crusher is a kind of hollow plastic containers for crushing large, large head materials, board materials, special equipment.SWP-630型塑料破碎机是一种用于破碎大型塑料中空容器,大块机头料、板材料的专用设备。

5.The SWP now serves 23 milpon Capfornians, from north of the Bay Area to the Mexican border, and irrigates 755, 000 acres of farmland.目前,加州调水工程造福着从加州湾区以北至墨西哥边境的2300万加州居民,同时灌溉了75.5万英亩的农田。

6.Is this an intended effect similar to SWP with shadow priests. . . or should I tell him to stop using this pinket?同样暗牧的痛也能够享受刷新暴击加成。也许我应该阻止他使用这个饰品?

7.Apppcation of Frequency Conpol Technique with SWP Intelpgent Inspument in an Elecpic Motor of a Boiler Grate变频调速技术结合SWP智能仪表在锅炉炉排电机上的应用

8.SWP German Institute for International Poptics and Security德国国际政治与安全研究所

9.Psi SWP Full Port, Two Piece Bronze Ball Valve, 250 psi SWP全流道,两件式青铜球阀,250