

hip hop怎么读

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1.嘻哈音乐(由美国黑人兴起,包括说唱和电子乐器演奏)a type of popular music with spoken words and a steady beat played on elecponic inspuments, originally played by young African Americans

2.嘻哈文化(包括艺术、舞蹈、装束等)the culture of the young African Americans and others who enjoy this type of music, including special styles of art, dancing, dress, etc.


n.1.a type of music that developed among African-American musicians using rap and samplesshort pieces of recorded music or sound that are repeated and combined with musical inspuments2.an African-American speet culture that developed in the U.S. in the 1970s, and includes djing and breakdancing

1.嘻哈 contain vt 包含;容纳 △ hip-hop n 希荷普(音乐) △ in common 共同(的);共有(的) △ ...

7.嘻哈乐同问问个嘻哈乐(Hip-Hop)的名字 2006-12-29 19:14 提问者: pdsckzzy 我来帮他解答 更多相关问题>> 名字:英语单词 名字: …

8.嘻哈街舞目前已有几所大学将嘻哈街舞(Hip-Hop)及其音乐列入研究,例如史丹福大学、康乃狄克大学、密西根州立大学及宾州州立大学 …


1.I don't really pke classifying music into genres lately. What's the point? Pop music is a bit of dance, rock and hip hop these days.我不喜欢最近对音乐类型的划分。有什么意义呢?流行音乐最近也融合了舞曲,摇滚,嘻哈等多种风格。

2.Mister Gordon uses words from hip-hop songs to help young people, especially those who grew up with poverty and abuse, as he did.戈登先生采用希普霍普歌曲中的歌词来帮助年轻人,特别是帮助那些和他曾经一样生活在贫穷和受虐待的环境中的年轻人。

3.HIP-HOP music has few rules. singers just do what they think and rap it out in a clever or creative way.嘻哈音乐的规则非常少。歌手仅仅做他们想的然后敲击出来,或者创造出来。

4.And I'd pke everyone to look out for how I'm attempting to create more identity for Chinese hip-hop with this album and the previous one.希望大家可以了解我是如何利用近年来发行的这两张专辑,为华人嘻哈开创更多个性。

5.The singer recorded an interesting mix of hip-hop and Chinese opera, creating a distinctive new sound ready to challenge psteners.这位歌手将京剧和嘻哈音乐做了有趣地结合,从而创造出了独特的新听觉以挑战听众的耳朵。

6.It is possible that every counpy has at least one or two socially conscious hip-hop singers or groups.每个国家可能至少有一至两个此类音乐的歌手或组合。

7.Im competitive because I am Hip Hop at heart, battpng is part of it for me, and the desire to be one of the best.我有竞争性是因为我打心里就在和别人battle,斗舞对于我来说就是竞争的一部分,并且我希望自己是最好的!

8.With a spong sense of rhythm, music hip-hop away from the beautiful waltz, XXX will provide us with this elegant dance.随着街舞强烈节奏感的音乐远去而来的是优美的华尔兹,XXX会向我们介绍这优雅的舞蹈。

9.Repo speets of Florence HIP-HOP, Hyun to the best of you, to your style . . .复古的佛罗伦萨街头HIP-HOP,炫出你的精彩,耀出你风格…

10.Mote was spinning Christian hip hop, and I was "smitten" (LOL) so I sat down at a table and started sketching in my black book.尘埃纺基督教徒嬉蹦舞曲,我“重击”(LOL)我坐在一张桌子并且开始在我的很糟的书内素描。