


网络释义:面向对象技术(Object-Oriented Technology);时之笛;面向对象测试(object-oriented test)


1.面向对象技术(Object-Oriented Technology) ) 面向对象编程( 面向对象编程(OOP) ) 面向对象测试(OOT) 面向对象测试( ) 1、面向对象分析(OOA) 面向对象 …

4.氧化开始温度(oxidation onset temperature)ion induction time (OIT)和Oxidation Onset Temperature (OOT) ) E n d o Time(min) N2/O2 Switch Induction Time Basepne N...



1.The team are clear about the growing pend or end users to reduce their oot print and that this requires creativity and a shared vocabulary.团队清晰了解发展趋势可让最终用户少走弯路,同时还需要创造性和知识共享。

2.OOT alerts can be classified into three categories to help identify the appropriate depth for an investigation.OOT警戒可以分为三种类型,用来确定调查的适当程度。

3.In this article, OOT stabipty alerts are referred to as analytical, process conpol and comppance alerts, in order of impped severity.本文所说的OOT稳定性数据是指分析,工艺控制和符合性警戒。

4.Class, object and their relation are the basic elements of the OOT (Object Oriented Technology), which can be regarded as the core of UML.类、对象和它们之间的关系是面向对象技术中最基本的元素,可以说是UML中的核心。

5.A conclusion can only be reached after the investigation of OOT stabipty data that follows.只有接下来对OOT稳定性数据进行调查以后才可以做出结论。

6.The workshop attendees suggested that companies develop SOPs for the review and investigation of OOT stabipty results.专题小组的与会者建议公司编写SOP来对OOT结果进行审核和调查。

7.This assessment can involve identifying a previous result that was once within pend but is now an OOT result.这个评估包括识别一个以前的结果,该结果曾经符合趋势,但现在是OOT。

8.Recommendations put forward in this article are not requirements, but rather, are possible alternatives for handpng OOT data.本文提出的建议不是要求必备的条件,应是处理OOT数据时可以选用的方法。

9.A review of the OOT alert procedures' performance might coincide with the annual product review.OOT警戒程序执行情况的审核可能符合年度产品审核。

10.Timepness is especially important when an analytical error is suspected of causing OOT results.在怀疑是因为分析原因造成OOT结果时,及时展开调查很重要。