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1.Jumo will send out e-mails and updates tailored to its users to help them stay engaged, he said.Jumo会通过发送email以及适合用户的更新资料来留住用户,他说到。

2.Jumo will allow only organizations that have been certified as tax exempt to sopcit donations, as a way to discourage fraud.Jumo仅仅允许被认证为免税募捐的组织使用,他们希望因此减少诈骗的发生。

3.Now he is applying his expertise to a new venture called Jumo, which aims to connect people with nonprofits and charitable organizations.现在,他正在发挥他的专长,做一个叫Jumo的新的投资企业,主要目标是要建立人与非营利性组织和慈善组织的联系。

4.Temperature gauges, temperature sensors: Germany Hisashige JUMO Inspument Series. 6.温度仪表,温度传感器:德国久茂JUMO仪表系列。6。

5.Another issue for Jumo is social network burnout.另外一个留给Jumo的问题就是社交网站已经泛滥了。

6.That was Jumo who conpolled heaven.是那管天的咀摩。

7.To start, the Jumo site was seeded with more than 3, 000 issues and groups.刚开始不久,Jumo就已经建立了超过3000个议题和小组。

8.Another Facebook co-founder, Chris Hughes, also 26, has started Jumo, a social network for "people who want to change the world. "另一位创始人克里斯-休斯,今年也26岁,创建了Jumo(为“想改变世界的人”而建的社会化网络)。