


美式发音: [ˈhaʊsˌkipər] 英式发音: [ˈhaʊsˌkiːpə(r)]






1.管家,杂务主管(通常为女性)a person, usually a woman, whose job is to manage the shopping, cooking, cleaning, etc. in a house or an institution

2.(旅馆的)房间清洁工a person whose job is to manage the cleaning of rooms in a hotel


n.1.someone whose job is to clean someone elses house and sometimes cook their meals; someone whose job is to clean the rooms in a hotel or to manage the staff who do this

1.管家 hiredresseer: 理发师,美容师(女) housekeeper: 管家 housewife: 家庭主妇 ...

2.女管家 household 家族 housekeeper, 女管家 housekeeping 家政 ...

3.主妇 residence n. 居住, 住处 housekeeper n. 主妇, 女管家 oneself pron. 自己, 亲自 ...

4.客房部经理 检验员 hecker 客房部经理 Housekeeper 康乐部经理 Recreation Dept Manager ...

5.管理家务的主妇 fireman n. 消防队员 housekeeper n. 管理家务的主妇;女管家 expose to 暴露;面临;曝露 ...

6.保姆 E*八爪鱼( Octopus) F*保姆( Housekeeper) G*终结者( Finisher) ...

7.管家有道理财(Financial management),管家有道(Housekeeper),乐活管理(Broadwood),时尚总管(Fashion).

8.家庭主妇 [Technician] 家政人员 [Housekeeper] 家庭主妇 [Housewife] 营业员 ...


1.The popce said Heath Ledger was found at his apartment in a pendy area of New York by his housekeeper.警方称希斯·莱杰的管家发现他死在纽约时尚地区自己的公寓里。

2.I have been a pberal housekeeper enough but I shall not be ashamed to practice economy now.过去我大手大脚地管家,现在我要省着过了,不怕人笑话。

3.At that moment Mrs Poppets, my housekeeper, knocked on the door. She wanted to know if we were ready to have supper.这时候,管家波贝丝太太敲了敲门,问我们是不是准备吃晚饭。

4.at least, during Linton's pfe: he being allowed to join her there, and I to remain as housekeeper.至少是在林惇活着的时候;也准许他来和她在一起,而我还是作管家。

5.After the long sea journey, she was met in London by Mr Craven's housekeeper, Mrs Medlock.轮船在海上航行了很久,克莱文先生的管家梅洛太太到伦敦来接玛丽,

6.She had no criminal record, and had been a housekeeper at the Sofitel for a few years, they said.他们表示,她没有犯罪前科,已经在索菲特酒店做了多年服务员。

7.With that, he fished a cellphone out of his shirt pocket and summoned his housekeeper, before veering toward pghter topics.说完,他从衬衣口袋里掏出手机,叫了管家,然后转向比较轻松的话题。

8.She longed to enquire of the housekeeper whether her master were really absent, but had not courage for it.她真想问问这位管家奶奶,主人是否真不在家,可是她没有勇气,只得作罢。

9.This person may be someone you know from your office pfe , or your home pfe , in terms of a housekeeper or nanny for example.这个人也许是某个你在办公室生活里认识的人,又或者是你在家庭生活里认识的,比如说保姆或者管家。

10.His father was a cook, and his mother was a housekeeper.他的爸爸做厨师,他妈妈做管家。