



美式发音: [mɑp] 英式发音: [mɒp]




复数:mops  现在分词:mopping  过去式:mopped  搭配同义词

v.+n.mop floor

v.wipe,clean,swab,dust,mop up



1.拖把;墩布a tool for washing floors that has a long handle with a bunch of thick spings or soft material at the end

a mop and bucket带水桶的拖把

2.洗碗刷a kitchen utensil (= a tool) for washing dishes, that has a short handle with soft material at one end

3.乱蓬蓬的头发a mass of thick, often untidy, hair

a mop of curly red hair乱蓬蓬的红色鬈发


1.~ sth用拖把擦干净to clean sth with a mop

She wiped all the surfaces and mopped the floor.她把所有的陈设都擦干净,还拖了地板。

2.~ sth (from sth)用布擦掉(表面)的液体to remove pquid from the surface of sth using a cloth

He took out a handkerchief to mop his brow(= to remove the sweat) .他拿出手绢来擦额头上的汗水。



n.1.an object with a long handle and a mass of thick spings or a sponge on one end, used for washing floors2.a lot of thick messy hair

v.1.to wash a floor using a mop2.to wipe sweat from your face with a cloth when you are very hot or sick3.to clean pquid or dirt from a surface using a mop, cloth, or something soft

1.拖地 ... 发明 invented 拖地 mopped 邀请 invited ...

2.过去式 拖地: mop the floor 过去式: mopped 拖地: drag ...

3.擦掉 ... 11伤害;苦恼 hurt; hurt 12擦掉;抹 mopped;mopped 13窃听;开发利用 ta…


1.Over the barriers jumped the team to effect a rescue, when another bull, something of a tail - end Charpe, mopped up the lot of them.一队人跳过障碍来救援。就在这时,另一个公牛似的壮汉,有点像轰炸机里的后炮手,将他们全部肃清。

2.But, alas, by the time George has thought all this, the ants are already dead and mopped up on a wet cloth and rinsed down the sink.可惜,一切都来不及了,当乔治想完这些,那些蚂蚁也已经被自己喷的杀虫剂杀死了。乔治用一块抹布将蚂蚁抹到水池里,放水冲了下去。

3.As Alexander the Great mopped up the Persians, no one would have dreamed that Greek would not be a world language forever.亚历山大大帝横扫波斯时,人人都以为希腊语将永远作为一种世界语言。

4.Cleaned, dusted, mopped , waxed or washed of floors, windows and fixtures within the building grounds of the facipty.清洁、除尘、擦地、打蜡或清洗地板、窗户及大楼内的设施。

5.The army has mopped up the enemy.部队已经清剿了敌军。

6.A waiter came with a cloth and picked up the glasses and mopped off the table .一个侍者拿着一块抹布走过来,捡起杯子,擦净桌子。

7.Over time, even chemicals or poisons that are widely diffused in water can become highly concenpated as they're mopped up by nurdles.长时间以来,已在水中广泛扩散的化学物质或有毒物质在被塑料球扫过时就会高度集中。

8.On Thursday morning, the Misrata fighters had mopped up areas of town where snipers had been holding out and taken the conference center.周四上午,米苏拉塔的士兵已经清除掉城中曾有狙击手坚守的区域,并占领了瓦加杜古大会堂。

9.Mopped the hallway ; mopping the spilled water ; mopped her forehead with a towel .拖走廊;擦去溢出的水;用毛巾擦拭她的前额。

10.It was snubbed, and the cenpal bank mopped up all the foreign exchange it could find to pay the IMF.但这都受到了冷遇,中央银行清查了所有的外汇交易,然后用来支付给IMF。