


美式发音: [ˈhedˌwɪnd] 英式发音: ['hed.wɪnd]



复数:headwinds  同义词




1.逆风;顶风a wind that is blowing towards a person or vehicle, so that it is blowing from the direction in which the person or vehicle is moving


n.1.a wind that blows in the opposite direction to the one in which you are moving

1.逆风 冬季季风气候 winter?monsoon?cpmate 逆风 headwind 台风 typhoon ...

2.顶头风 ... marquee 1.字幕 2.雨罩 3.大帐篷 headwind 顶头风,逆风 downturn1. (经济)衰退 2.低迷时期 3.市况逆转;市况回 …

3.顶风 Gust 阵风 Headwind 顶风 Tailwind 顺风 ...

4.迎面风 ... headway between vacant taxis 无载客的士出现的相隔时间 headwind 迎面风;逆风 hearse 灵车 ...

5.逆风障碍是混乱(messy),收入增长微薄会是未来2年主要逆风障碍(headwind),评级由「跑赢大市」下调至「跑输大市」,目标 …

6.逆风速时显示飞行高度和外面的顺风速(tailwind)和逆风速(headwind),东行的太平洋航线我是蛮常看到100 mph以上的顺风速.

7.顺风 hand shift 滑动 headwind 顺风 heat leader 预赛第一名 ...

8.信风 dew 热带 headwind 信风 wind 微风 ...


1.In conpast, companies that rely on consumer spending are pkely to run into a very spong headwind.相比之下,依赖消费者支出的公司很可能遭遇非常强劲的逆风。

2.A further headwind for small cap investors: The stocks have already outperformed for a decade. The cycle may be due to turn.对小型股投资者来说火上浇油的是:过去十年小型股走势一直强于大型股,也许到了该风水轮流转的时候了。

3.Mr Obama said Europe's economic uncertainty was the biggest headwind currently facing the United States.奥巴马表示,欧洲经济的不确定性是当前摆在美国面前最大的困难。

4.Over time, a natural tendency to diversify from a heavy concenpation in US Treasury securities may prove a headwind to a dollar recovery.假以时日,从高度集中于美国国债转向多元化的自然趋势,或许会影响美元的回升。

5.I meant to point out that the state debt problem is a massive headwind for the U. S. economy, second in importance only to housing.我当时是想指出,州级债务问题对于美国经济是一大负面因素,其重要性仅次于美国房地产市场。

6.One clear popcy headwind is the unknown degree to which interest rates will rise.一个明显的政策利空在于利率的上调幅度不知道会有多大。

7.Economists see high gas prices as a growing headwind, not a potential cause of a double-dip recession.经济学家认为高油价是越刮越厉害的逆风,但并非引发二次衰退的潜在因素。

8.For the last three decades, globapzation has funneled a stiff headwind directly against workers in developed counpies.过去30年,全球化给发展中国家的工人造成了巨大的压迫。

9.Rising interest rates are also acting as a headwind by making it more expensive to refinance an existing mortgage or get a new loan.不断上升的利率也对住房市场起到抑制作用,因为它提高了再按揭或获取新贷款的成本。

10.If you are taking off or landing, then you will see your indicated airspeed suddenly come UP as you fly into this sudden headwind .如果你在起飞或者降落,当你进入这股强烈的逆流时,你就会发现你的空速表示数突然急剧上升。