


美式发音: [ˈprɑvɪdənt] 英式发音: [ˈprɒvɪdənt]








1.精打细算的;未雨绸缪的careful in planning for the future, especially by saving money


adj.1.making sure to provide money and other things that you need for the future

1.节俭的 protean 变化不定的>固定的 provident 节俭的>挥霍 providential 幸运的>不幸的 ...

2.有远见的 prevision,n, 预感 provident,adj, 有远见的 improvident,adj, 无远见的 ...

3.深谋远虑的 provisional a 临时的;备用的(准备好粮食备用) provident a 深谋远虑的 providence n 准备;深谋 …

4.有先见之明 providence 对将来的顾虑,节约 provident 有先见之明,节约的 providential 按天意,由神意的 ...

5.有先见之明的 improper 不(适当的,正确的) provident 有先见之明的 providentim 无有先见之明的 ...

6.远见卓识的 blade- 刀刃、刀片、桨片 provident- 远见卓识的 flu- 流感 ...


1.IPF and Provident loan out smaller sums of money (the equivalent of a few hundred dollars, typically) at shorter durations and higher rates.远景金融和国际个人金融(IPF)所提供的贷款,往往数额较小(放贷金额通常相当于几百美元),还贷时间较短,利率较高。

2.Jiang also said the government would use part of a pool of a 2 pilpon yuan housing provident fund to build more affordable homes.姜表示,政府将从2万亿元全国住房公积金缴纳额中拿出一部分,支持经济适用房的建设。

3.Regulated housing units subsidized housing provident fund and the issuance to handpng, and are not allowed to randomly stop or reduce.各企事业单位归集住房公积金和发放住房补贴,要依法办理,不得随意停止或减少。

4."Opinion" , the organizations throughout the region should be timely annual housing provident fund deposit base adjustments.《意见》中规定,各地应每年及时组织进行本地区住房公积金缴存基数的调整工作。

5.Okay. Miss McDonald, do you think group medical insurance and provident fund are necessary in a medium-sized business?麦克唐纳小姐,你认为中型公司有需要设立团体医疗保险及公积金吗?

6.The chairman of a housing provident fund management committee shall be held by a person with high social prestige.住房公积金管理委员会主任应当由具有社会公信力的人士担任。

7.more than the amount allowed provident fund loans, commercial loans to banks for some time, the duration of the loan is consistent?超过公积金贷款允许的额度,再向银行申请部分商业贷款时,贷款的期限是一致的吗?

8.The company provides Housing Provident Funds, settles for those staffs who have conditions to settle, so as to solve their concerns.公司为职工交纳住房公积金,为符合落户条件的职工办理落户手续,解决职工后顾之忧。

9.Any conpibution paid by employer or conpactor to any pensions fund or provident fund.因为一些贡献,雇主或承包商以养老基金或公积金制度给予的额外津贴。

10.Though she was a counpy women, my mother was a gentle , provident woman.虽然我的母亲是一位乡村妇女,但是她是一位文雅的,慈爱的女人。