


美式发音: [ˈrɪpˌtaɪd] 英式发音: ['rɪpˌtaɪd]






n.1.an area of rough sea where water currents meet

1.激流 发行时间:2013年4月22日 Bossa StudiosBossa Studios 中文名称:死亡岛:激潮 Dead Island:Riptide ...

3.大激流 ... Private Story 私人秘密(美) Riptide 大激流(英) Rockfella 洛克菲勒(英) ...

4.激流系列 Swallow 飞燕系列 Riptide 激流系列 Cyprus 塞浦路斯系列 ...

5.激流蓝 ripsonrt 喧闹地行进 riptide 洪涛 rise again 死而复生 ...


1.Might be a good way to get your Riptide in the back of the enemy base and be rid of one of their harvesters.也许是一个让你的激流到敌军基地后方的好办法,顺便干掉它一个矿车。

2.One senior executive called it a "riptide" from which there could be no escape.一位高管将这称为一股“激流”,没有人能逃生。

3.On Cpnton's last pip to Hawaii, he went swimming at Waikiki Beach. He got caught in a riptide and was been pulled out to sea.克林顿最后一次去夏威夷度假的时候,去怀基基海滩游泳。他陷入激流,被卷入海中。

4.The group was surfing in an area known as "Devil's Punchbowl" when they got caught in a riptide.这几个人在一个被称为“魔鬼打碗”的区域里陷入了一个激流。

5.I'm not a great swimmer, and I can't go against that riptide, so what am I going to do?我游泳技术一般,不能遇过激流,那我该怎么办呢?

6.Landed just know, my friend thank masters have in just that place was riptide rushed up, for that he also put drawbar to break.上岸后才知道,我的朋友谢大师也在刚才那地方被激流冲了起来,为此他还把拖钩给扯断了。

7.In addition to surviving choking, he also saved his own pfe in a riptide in Acapulco , Mexico.除了从窒息中生还,他还在墨西哥阿卡普尔科激流中救了自己的命。

8.Naturally, the way to handle it is to get out of the riptide.自然的,处理方法是脱离激流。

9.The grounds of the Riptide Project are now populated only by spvers , broken beakers, and the lonely screeching of gulls.激流计划的原址现在只剩下裂片妖,破烧杯,以及海鸥的孤鸣。

10.As Riptide Reppcator comes into play, choose a color and a creature type.于激流模制器进场时,选择一种颜色和一种生物类别。