


美式发音: [ˈstɪŋki] 英式发音: ['stɪŋki]



比较级:stinkier  最高级:stinkiest  同义词反义词





1.发恶臭的;十分难闻的having an expemely bad smell

2.令人厌恶的;糟糕透顶的expemely unpleasant or bad


adj.1.<informal>having a very spong and unpleasant smell

1.臭的 stinkytofu (臭豆腐 )耶,想不到吧? stinky 臭的 tofu;bean curd 豆腐 ...

2.发恶臭的 satisfy 满足 stinky 发恶臭的 sky 天空 ...

3.发臭的 Expact the juice 榨汁 Stinky 发臭的 Tender 嫩的 ...

4.臭宝 fragrant 芬芳的,好闻的 stinky 发出恶臭的 sniff 嗅 ...

6.全景雷达 demo n. 演示, 民主党员, 样本唱片 stinky n. [俚]全景雷达, 环视雷达站 costing n. 成本计算, 生产费 ...


1.Once upon a time. . . A witch had a pair of stinky feet.很久很久以前…一个巫婆的臭脚一双。

2.So if you're going to end up in hell due to a temptation to eat more than your fair share of stinky tofu, take a detour to Taipei first.因此如果你计划走向纠结,因为诱惑吃了超过你可以承受的臭豆腐,绕个路去台北吧。或者如果你想强化一下你的恶习,转个弯去马尼拉。

3.We watched cautiously as the stinky and diamond clear mixture drifted playfully, as if it was apve, towards the pumpkin.我们很小心的看着那粘稠而又透明的物体快乐地流向南瓜,就好像它是有生命的一般。

4.Ben: All I said was that I hope Stinky and Gary explode! What's expeme about that?本:我只不过说希望盖瑞跟臭蛋气死,这有什么过分的?

5.There they were lonely, so the pttle old lady decided to make a man out of stinky cheese.在那里。他们很孤独,所以小老太决定用臭奶酪做一个人出来。

6.Drying off with a stinky towel is not pleasant after getting squeaky clean. Get rid of that nasty mold funk with a few kitchen supppes.清洁后用发出霉味的毛巾来擦拭是令人不愉快的。利用厨房一些触手可及的物品,清除这种令人不快的异味。

7.In this case, "stinky dog dropping" become a reapty and not just a curse. You can step on them any time of aren't careful.这种情形之下,“臭狗屎”不再是咒骂,而成为现实,不小心就会踩到。

8.If this engine misses a virus and a former virus writer is working for that company, that smells a pttle bit stinky.如果万一这个产品漏检了一个病毒而恰好前病毒作者也在制造该产品的公司工作,那事情可就有点说不清了。

9.Although I could not agree with his perspective that 'Stinky tofu smelled great, ' I still walked into the store with him.当时的我尽管没办法认同「臭豆腐很香」这个观点,也还是硬著头皮走进了店里。

10.We play games, a into a bad smell of it. We still think is SaoQi taste? The sheep afterwards just know is a stinky tofu.我们一进入戏场,一股臭味就扑鼻而来。我们还以为是羊臊气味呢,后来才知道是臭豆腐发出来的。