


美式发音: [ˈʌmˌpaɪr] 英式发音: [ˈʌmpaɪə(r)]




复数:umpires  现在分词:umpiring  过去式:umpired  同义词





1.裁判员a person whose job is to watch a game and make sure that rules are not broken


1.[i][t](为…)做裁判员,当裁判to act as an umpire

We need someone to umpire.我们得找个人当裁判。

to umpire a game of baseball做棒球赛裁判



n.1.someone whose job is to make sure that players obey the rules in some sports, for example tennis and baseballSomeone who does this in other games, such as football and basketball, is called a referee.2.someone who is asked to decide which person is right in an argument

1.裁判 tournament 比赛;锦标赛 19. umpire 裁判;仲裁 20. 1.alleviate 减轻;缓和 2. ...

2.裁判员 sprint 短跑 umpire (垒球、网球)裁判员 pnesman 边线裁判员 ...

3.主审 two hands 两次发球权 umpire 副裁判 unclean hit 有拖带动作的击球 ...

5.仲裁人 type of evidence 证据类型 umpire 仲裁人 unanimous 意见一致 ...

6.公断人 ·公断人条款( umpire clause) ·公断人,裁决人( umpire) ·互助保险( mutuapnsurance) ...

7.裁决人公断人,裁决人(umpire)指仲裁者(arbipator)之间意见不一致时参加公断的第三者。保险合同双方当事人因赔偿金额有所 …


1.Sometimes when the ball is caught the umpire cannot be sure if the ball has touched the edge of the bat.有的时候球被接到以后裁判不确定球是否碰到了击球板的边缘。

2.The upper PC can store the info coming from the umpire'cenpal inspument into a database and display the info by a software apppcation.上位机能够将裁判中央机传送来的犯规信息存储在相应的数据库中,并通过应用软件显示出来。

3.Poor you! You can't do it all by yourself. If it wasn't for that umpire. . .真可怜。这不能全靠你一个人。如果不是因为裁判…

4.He yammered at an umpire loudly enough to get himself tossed out of a game.他大声埋怨裁判,结果被逐出比赛。

5.They weren't the only ones who made mistakes. I remember the umpire gave away the right to serve of net-fault you made.他们并不是惟一犯错的人,我记得你犯了身体触网的失误,裁判将发球权判给了对方。

6.The umpire gare his decision with an air admitting of no gainsay.裁判员以不容反对的神气作出了决定。

7.In an uncharacteristic display, Federer argued with chair umpire Jake Garner during a changeover in the U. S. Open final Monday.与以往的优雅表现有点不同,在周一全美公开赛决赛中的一个换边问题上,费德勒与裁判主持人杰克加纳争执。

8.An umpire is of course the official who enforces the rules in baseball and a number of other sports.umpire是在棒球或其他体育比赛中执行规则的人员。

9.If the umpire is doubtful of the legapty of a service he may, on the first occasion in a match, declare a let and warn the server.如果裁判员对运动员发球合法性有怀疑,在一场比赛中第一次出现时,判重罚球,并警告发球方。

10.As it grew too dim, the umpire decided to postpone the decisive game in this semifinal to tomorrow.因为光线太暗,裁判决定这场半决赛的决胜盘推迟到明天举行。