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网络释义:瑞典(Sweden);女工程师学会(Society of Women Engineers);雪水当量(snow water equivalent)



1.瑞典(Sweden) 斯洛文尼亚/ SVN 瑞典/ SWE 斯威士兰/ SWZ ...

2.女工程师学会(Society of Women Engineers)中午要去给SWE (Society of Women Engineers) 帮忙,一帮中学生来Penn活动,我们和她们一起玩游戏做吃的什么的。下午要 …

3.雪水当量(snow water equivalent)我们用雪水当量(SWE)对降水量进行了校正,校正后三个站年均总降水量平均增加 了14.3mm。上池沟的年均降水量为540.3…


1.N. representative, Kyaw Tint Swe, says that his government is pleased that the international community is wilpng to help.缅甸的驻联合国代表觉丁瑞说,缅甸政府为国际社会愿意慷慨解囊感到欣慰。

2."You know the rules! " he remembers Mr. Tint Swe's yelpng. "I can shut you down! "“你是知道规矩的!”他记得当时丁瑞高声喝道,“我可以让你关张歇业!”

3.Next, SWe'll use the View Editor to define the details of each view and identify the associated data elements.接下来,我们将使用ViewEditor来定义每个视图的细节,并识别关联的数据元素。

4.If this would hit the states it would be a lot cheaper, we pay a lot of VAT and dutys on DAP's in Swe.这款机器如果在美国上市的话应该会更便宜一些,毕竟我们要付一大堆的VAT还有关税等。

5.U Myint Swe says protectionists have discussed better safeguards for endangered wildpfe with United Nations organizations.吴敏特说,保护主义者们已与联合国组织讨论了如何加强保护濒危野生动物的问题。

6.As of last week, many of those men, including Kyaw Swe, have been replaced, but their destinations are not known.在上个星期,许多重要将领包括觉遂,已经被取代,但是他们的目的地不为人知。

7.Party leader Khin Maung Swe said that the NDF's first motion in Hluttaws would be to release all poptical prisoners.党的领导人钦孟瑞宣布全国民主力量党在议会的第一议案是释放所有政治犯。

8.SWEs own quapty for everything they touch whether they wrote it, fixed it or modified it.SWE们对他们参与的一切的质量负责,不管是他们编写的、修复的或者是修改的。

9.SETs provide support code enabpng SWEs to test product features.SET提供代码支持,从而使SWE能测试这些产品特性。

10.SWe are aware of our spength and that we can't fail any more.我们知道自己的能力,并且我们不能失败。